The construction plan of Tianjin cargo airport parking lot system

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Cargo port is a common place with high traffic flow. The daily traffic flow in and out of the parking lot ranges from thousands to tens of thousands. For some small parking lots, parking problems are commonplace, but they have not been very popular. Solved well. Tianjin Airport Cargo Distribution Center (hereinafter referred to as “Tianjin Cargo Airport”) encountered such problems. In order to regulate the management of the parking lot, the person in charge of the parking lot found a master in Xiamen, hoping to help better construction And manage the parking lot.

The construction plan of Tianjin cargo airport parking lot system

Dashou learned that Tianjin Cargo Port is located in Nanjing Road, Heping District, the municipal area, right at the intersection of Weijin Road and Nanjing Road Metro Section 1, and is on the city’s traffic arteries. There are a large number of parking lots every day. Vehicles enter and exit. Therefore, once there is a problem with the traffic condition of the cargo port, it is very likely to affect the surrounding traffic. It is necessary to manage the traffic order of the parking lot.

Based on the above analysis of the actual situation, Dashou provided the following set of parking management system solutions for the cargo port: the parking lot is designed for one entry and one exit, using PM710 manual card issuing parking lot management system, and at the same time equipped with automatic license plate recognition function module .

The license plate recognition function module configured in the solution is mainly used for the management of internal vehicles, while the external vehicles are managed by manual card issuance. When the vehicle triggers the ground-sensing coil, the camera will automatically capture the license plate of the vehicle, and the software will recognize the vehicle and process it into relevant information. If the license plate is an internal vehicle, the barrier will automatically rise, if the license plate is not internal For vehicles, manual card issuance is required, and the vehicle can enter the venue after the barrier is raised; when the vehicle is ready to leave the venue, the license plate recognition module performs the same work again. If the license plate is an internal vehicle, the barrier will automatically lift the lever, if it is an external vehicle , You need to submit a parking card, and the vehicle can leave the venue after paying the fee.

After Tianjin Cargo Airport adopts this parking lot construction plan, the management of vehicles entering and leaving the parking lot is faster and more orderly. Congestion at the entrances and exits in the past has no longer appeared, and it has made an important contribution to the maintenance of the surrounding traffic order.



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