The new attendance system with chips installed in helmets makes workers no longer afraid of being owed wages

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As we all know, construction and other industries belong to the high-income areas of underpaid wages, but there is a construction site in Ningbo where workers are not worried about this at all. What’s the matter?

The reporter saw that new employees can get a hat with a special chip, which includes the user’s name, ID number, pre-job safety education records, job certificate and personal photos. “This information is connected to the attendance system, and only after the above information is confirmed will it be allowed to enter and exit the construction site.”

The new attendance system with chips installed in helmets makes workers no longer afraid of being owed wages

Daily and monthly attendance computer automatic filing also saves labor costs for attendance

“Human dynamic management has always been a difficult point in construction site management.” According to the person in charge, the use of a chip-equipped safety helmet can accurately record attendance information. I have tried various attendance methods before, but none of them are ideal.

The reporter interviewed Mr. Yang, a worker at the construction site. Mr. Yang pointed his finger to a white card in the hat and said, “There is a chip card here. When entering the construction area every day, you must wear a company helmet and enter and exit through the attendance entrance. Through the sensor chip, it automatically records the time information of entering and exiting every day, accurate to the second, and synchronized high-definition photo information, which is the basis for receiving wages.”

The new attendance system with chips installed in helmets makes workers no longer afraid of being owed wages

The project department’s labor manager and other leaders can keep track of the latest situation on the construction site through a computer or mobile phone. At the beginning of each month, this RFID chip inductive labor management system can also automatically generate last month’s attendance records, and the project department will verify the information. After the error is correct, all parties sign and confirm, confirm that the form project department backs up and publishes it. Attendance records after the announcement shall be used as the basis for the arrival of migrant workers.

Human Resources and Social Security Bureau: The chip-sensitive management system shortens the wage payment chain is beneficial to prevent the emergence of arrears of wages

According to law enforcement officers from the Ningbo Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, the current wage arrears in the construction sector are mainly due to three aspects: the owner’s house is not sold well, so there is no money, and the project funds are not in place; the project is subcontracted at various levels, and the foreman directly brings it. The money ran away; because the project department did not have attendance records, a small number of migrant workers borrowed their wages for extortion and so on.

“In particular, the subcontracting of projects at different levels has caused the wage payment chain to be artificially lengthened. If there is a problem in one link, wage arrears are prone to occur. If the payment chain can be shortened, a safety helmet with a chip is introduced, and an RFID chip sensor is installed. The labor management system is equivalent to monitoring the wages throughout the entire process, which is helpful to prevent the emergence of wage arrears.” The law enforcement officials analyzed and said.



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