The concept of intelligent identification broadens from security to network

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1. Application of various identification technologies in my country

As we all know, biometric recognition mainly includes fingerprint recognition, face recognition, palm shape recognition, finger vein recognition, iris recognition, retina recognition, signature recognition, voice recognition, etc., subdivided into each category, and their application in my country is how?

Fingerprint recognition: accurate positioning of the civilian market

At present, in China, due to its long development time and relatively fast development speed, and after years of market promotion and application, fingerprint identification has relatively mature products in access control, attendance, safe, identity authentication, etc. At the same time, due to its relatively high cost Other identification technologies are low and easier to promote and be accepted by users. Therefore, the application of domestic fingerprint identification accounts for about 90% of the market share of the entire biometric identification application.

Fingerprint recognition is more used in small and medium-sized enterprises for access control, attendance, identity authentication, cabinet locks, computer mobile phone authentication and other civil markets with lower security requirements. Wide range of applications. The combination of fingerprint recognition technology and more product fields has gained attention in the mid-to-high-end residential housing market. At present, high-end communities and real estates pay more and more attention to their own security, and the application of intercom products integrated with fingerprint recognition in villas, high-end real estate and other places with a small number of people is constantly attracting attention.

Face Recognition: Widening Application Fields&

Biometric recognition technology has grown at an average annual rate of 20% to 30% in recent years, among which, face recognition technology has increased by as much as 80%. At present, the domestic market share has reached more than 80 million yuan. According to the annual growth rate of 80%, the market share of my country’s face recognition technology will reach billions of yuan in the next few years.

As the most popular biometric recognition technology in recent years, its application has also begun to gradually mature. At present, face recognition is mainly divided into active recognition and passive recognition in terms of use. Active recognition is generally used in routine access control, assessment and other occasions, while passive face recognition has unique advantages in customs, pass inspection and other occasions.

With the in-depth development of China’s safe city and safe community projects, the further development of high-definition and popularization of urban surveillance, the large-scale increase of cameras in the city makes face recognition pass multiple cameras in face acquisition, avoiding side-by-side The problem of face and back has improved the quality of face recognition. At the same time, the public security system urgently needs functions such as urban surveillance, fugitive pursuit, and blacklist investigation. Face recognition technology will be applied in the judicial system.

At the same time, the huge potential government market began to kick in. It is understood that in 2011, in order to ensure the safety of social insurance funds, and prevent and eliminate fraudulent claims and false claims of pensions, the social security systems in some regions of my country adopted the “Face Dynamic Recognition Identity Verification System” to strengthen the separation of Authentication and management of retirees. Hubei, Gansu, Hunan and other provinces have successively established the facial information database of retired employees, and determined the pilot areas and units of the “Face Dynamic Recognition Identity Verification System”, which has opened up new market space and development areas for face recognition products.

In the face of the huge market development situation, a new generation of access control products that embed face recognition products into the access control system is maturing with the foreshadowing of previous years. In order to seek the intelligent development of the access control system and catch up with the rapid development of the access control market, domestic companies with core algorithms of face recognition technology are ready to go ahead and seek explosive development. In 2008, Hanwang Technology Co., Ltd. launched a series of “Hanwang Face Pass” and the world’s first embedded “binocular breaking body” face recognition machine for the access control and attendance management of enterprises and institutions that need to be used offline. product. At the same time, many access control companies are also opening up a blue ocean for the access control market by introducing “human faces”.

Palm recognition: the best complement in the fingerprint market

Due to the general recognition rate of fingerprint recognition, fingerprint recognition is not suitable for application in places with a large collection base. At the same time, a large number of employees commute to get off work at the same time to check attendance, which brings high convenience to biometric operation and authentication speed. challenge. For the attendance of construction sites and large factories, palm recognition has more obvious advantages in the application of these places due to its small template, easy to use, strong adaptability to the environment, and high popularity rate.

Compared with other biometrics, although the palm-shaped recognition has no obvious advantages in authentication speed, its operation is very convenient, just put the palm on the collector. In addition, because the biometric identification technology extracts the physical signs of the individual, for individual users, there is the possibility of personal privacy leakage or even theft. The hand-reader ultimately stores three-dimensional features, and it is a digital template obtained after analysis, which is just a series of meaningless numbers for other personnel.

However, like the human face, the palm shape can change, and fat fingers or large scars may cause difficulties in palm shape recognition. Because there is variability in the shape of an individual’s palm, palm shape recognition should not be used in occasions where the frequency of application is too low, such as once every six months or even once a year.

Finger Vein Recognition: A New Milestone for Biometrics

As one of the main biometric technologies, finger vein recognition, which uses the biometrics inside an individual’s body to detect, is relatively mature in technology. Finger veins have the advantages of non-contact, internal body feature collection, living body recognition, and fast recognition speed.

At present, in the domestic market, because the price of finger vein recognition products is higher than that of fingerprint products, the main applications of access control products are also concentrated in the departments with higher security requirements such as finance, data centers, and justice. In addition to the commonly used access control, computer login and other purposes, finger vein recognition can also be used to realize elevator parking on designated floors, attendance, personal identity authentication, safe pick-up and drop-off for kindergartens, etc. In the next few years, the demand for high-end biometric identification technology in the domestic market will increase. At present, no one has questioned the finger vein identification technology, and the focus is still on the development of the application market.

Iris recognition: high cost and few applications

At present, the domestic iris recognition market is still in the incubation period. There are few iris recognition products, high prices, low sales volume, and large-scale production and application have not yet begun. Mainly, some companies and institutions such as Panasonic, LG, and the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences In the development of products, in addition, many domestic universities such as Zhejiang University, Harbin Institute of Technology, etc. are engaged in iris recognition technology research.

In addition to the technical immaturity, the main difficulty of iris recognition promotion is the high cost. Because domestic manufacturers have relatively few core technologies, most manufacturers can only purchase foreign products and pay high patent fees. At the same time, the hardware requirements for cameras and light source collection are very high, resulting in increased manufacturing costs.

As a result, these characteristics of iris recognition determine that its domestic biometric identification market and prospects mainly rely on government procurement and promotion. However, at present, in terms of application, relevant government departments have not paid attention to it, and there is a lack of relevant policy guidance. It is understood that the current iris technology has been applied in large state-owned coal mines and key military departments.

The choice of biometrics

As a potential product in future identification technology, biometrics can be said to have a very promising application prospect. So, how should we grasp the selection of biometric devices?

1device selection, application positioning is the most important

Compared with our ordinary and common access control equipment. Biometric systems have brought more convenience to our lives, but at the same time, they have irreparable squeamishness. Therefore, there is no doubt that more caution should be maintained in the application of biometrics, as well as in the choice of location.

For the biometric access control system, we must first understand the field of application of this product. For the number of users in the technical staff, the fingerprint wear is small, and the user in the high-end office environment (the probability of contamination is small), fingerprint identification is a Nice choice. At present, for our domestic fingerprint recognition equipment, the correct recognition rate is basically maintained at about 95%, which is enough for a small environment with dozens of people. For some environments with a large number of people or a high frequency of use within a certain period of time, some foreign fingerprint identification devices may better meet the needs of users.

For the number of users maintained at a hundred or even more than a thousand, or for some relatively important departments, a palm reader or a 3D face recognition device is a good choice among similar devices. In fact, in terms of recognition quality, the iris recognition instrument also has a good performance in application, but because it is not very convenient to use, it is more used in some high-end laboratories and other environments.

2security equipment, safety is always the first

For the identification device, its function is to identify and determine the identity of the visitor, and to eliminate the danger of a “screening” device. For application environments with different security levels, its security levels are also different. For access control biometric equipment, the security of iris recognition is undoubtedly the most advanced. In its work, it will use a variety of biological coordination methods to determine the characteristics of biological samples. This enables the highest level of safety performance. For a slightly general security level equipment, the product performance of different biological species will be used to distinguish the difference between different objects. Such as 3D recognition, fingerprint recognition and so on. For simple biometric applications, the relatively basic palm recognition may be the most affordable option for such users.

3Identify applications, function determines cost performance

For biometric systems, although rich functions may help us complete more work, in use, more functions may not be the best performance. Sometimes, with the increase of functions, the applicability of the device will decrease, and it is obviously not worthwhile for such a trade-off. So, what is the most critical to the usability of equipment?

For the current user needs, it is mainly reflected in the following aspects: First, according to the needs, determine what kind of biometric system to use, and confirm whether it is a fingerprint recognition application or more needs for palm recognition technology. In addition, based on the location, importance, and convenience of the access control system, the decision to use an all-in-one device? It is also a combination mode of front-end recognition and more professional access control equipment. Furthermore, it is based on the complexity of the system, such as system stability or recognition speed, to choose the most suitable application product. This product can be either domestic equipment or imported equipment.

3. Mobile Internet is no longer silent, and it is applied to intelligent identification

In China, on June 4th, NetEase began to test the face recognition login system of NetEase mailbox; at the same time, Shanda also released the App “Smart Album” based on face recognition technology. In just half a year, many IT Internet companies at home and abroad have launched products and services related to facial recognition technology.

After the “9.11” incident, in order to curb terrorist attacks, the United States paid more attention to facial recognition technology, and it has been widely promoted and applied in the field of security.

Although products using facial recognition technology have begun to be seen in the civilian market in recent years, they are still mainly focused on access control, attendance and monitoring systems, and they still cannot get rid of the shackles of the security field. The only innovation comes from the digital camera industry. In 2006, Nikon took the lead in applying facial recognition technology to its own products. Cameras using facial recognition technology can automatically search for faces and give priority to focusing when shooting. Under the leadership of Nikon, facial recognition technology has also been widely adopted by other manufacturers and has become the standard configuration of digital cameras.

Although the camera industry introduced face recognition technology, it did not bring any fundamental changes to this technology and the camera industry. It only improved the user experience to a certain extent. For ordinary consumers, the built-in face recognition technology in cameras The recognition function just makes the photo clearer when taking portraits, that’s all. However, the intervention of the Internet and IT companies has changed the fortunes of facial recognition technology.

A series of acquisitions of facial recognition technology companies by Internet giants in the past two years is giving facial recognition technology a new lease of life. The rapid proliferation of smart mobile devices over the past few years has opened up new opportunities for facial recognition technology, with increasingly high-resolution cameras on mobile phones and computers helping facial recognition technology open up many new possibilities beyond traditional security services. application scenarios.

At the end of 2010, Facebook pioneered the “TagSuggestions” feature using facial recognition technology in the United States, and in June 2011 expanded the feature to most countries outside the United States. In response, Google also launched a similar function “FindMyFace” on Google in December 2011, allowing users to automatically find themselves in friends’ albums through facial recognition., which has just been acquired by Facebook, also recently launched KLIK, a mobile phone camera application that uses facial recognition technology in the AppStore. The main feature of this app is not the rich filter function, but the social sharing function. It can automatically identify the subject’s identity from the picture during the photo-taking process, and quickly share it to the user’s associated Facebook and other social networking site accounts. It is also the improvement of camera functions. Internet companies and camera manufacturers have presented completely different ideas.

Three months ago, Facebook’s acquisition of Instagram caused a stir in the industry, from Instagram to, Facebook’s ambitions in photo social can be seen. The launch of KLIK this time should be just a test of the water, and it can be predicted that Facebook will definitely integrate KLIK with Instagram in the future. is actually exploring how to build a viable business model based on facial recognition. In March, announced that it had added a new age-recognition feature to the API, which can estimate the approximate age of people in photos, which will help improve the accuracy of advertising. IT giant Intel also has a similar plan. According to Reuters, Intel is integrating facial recognition technology into TV set-top boxes, so that the set-top boxes can identify the gender and age of the audience in front of the TV, thus providing an important reference for advertising. Allegedly, Intel’s set-top box product is expected to be available by the end of this year.


From the initial security field to today’s Internet intelligent identification field, biometric identification has experienced ups and downs. While expanding its application, it has enriched the meaning of biometric identification itself. As a result, our team’s biometric field has expanded from security access control and building intercom to network social networking and security prevention. In today’s era of big data, if biometric technology wants to go further, there are still many difficulties to overcome, both technically and morally.



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