Singapore adopts electronic tracking system to keep underground construction workers safe

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As we all know, construction sites are full of crises, especially those construction workers deep underground, who may face all kinds of unpredictable surprises anytime, anywhere. Once an accident occurs, it is relatively easy for surface builders to rescue, but the rescue work for underground builders will be much more complicated. How many people are trapped and where exactly are they located will seriously affect the time and efficiency of rescue efforts.

The specific method of this measure, which is in charge of the Singapore Land Transport Authority, is to affix an electronic tag on the inside of the safety helmet of the workers entering the construction site, and use radio technology to grasp and track the whereabouts of the workers. In the event of an accident, the electronic system can instantly display the exact location of the worker so that assistance can be provided quickly. In addition, the electronic system can also be linked with the contractor’s database to query the personal information of missing or injured employees, including blood type and contact information of relatives.

Prior to this, the traditional practice was that contractors manually recorded the identity and number of workers entering construction sites or tunnels, and then workers received passes. However, this method is prone to human negligence, and once an accident occurs, it is difficult to determine the specific location of the workers working underground, which hinders rescue.

According to the new practice, construction workers must pass through a gate equipped with RFID sensors before entering the construction tunnel. The electronic tag on the safety helmet will record the information about the worker, including name, location, and access to and from the tunnel. time, etc. are transmitted to the system. This allows contractors responsible for overseeing worksite safety to receive information via a computer or smartphone and keep track of the location of each on-site employee.

When talking about the difference between the two methods, the Singapore LTA officials believed that the traditional method is inefficient. During the busy period of the construction site, there are hundreds of workers entering and exiting the tunnel on the construction site every day. If everyone needs manual records, not only It takes a long time and is prone to errors; and the new system is completely automated, so it is very efficient, especially when the unexpected happens, it can guarantee efficient rescue.

In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the system, the Singaporean authorities tried it out at the underground construction site of the urban subway for a month earlier this year, and the effect was very good. At present, the Singapore Land Transport Authority is discussing whether the use of the system needs to be included in the construction contract conditions, and it is expressly stipulated that the contractor must adopt an electronic tracking system to ensure the construction safety of the construction site.



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