Australian tomato grower uses RFID to boost productivity

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Tomato breeder d’Vineripe owns an 8-hectare high-tech greenhouse in southern Australia, growing 260,00 tomato plants and producing 4,600 tonnes a year.

In order to better understand the completion status and completion time of employees’ tasks, d’Vineripe adopted a set of RFID solutions provided by Australian system integrator FieldAtWork, assigning a high-frequency RFID tag to each employee and each column of tomatoes with a unique ID code.

Each employee wears a high-frequency RFID tag, and a board is erected next to each row of tomatoes, containing an RFID tag that describes the 8 tasks the employee is to perform, and an identification tag for each row of tomatoes.

When employees start a task, they hold RFID readers to scan their ID tags, task tags, and each column of tomato tags, and this process repeats until the task is complete. At the end of the day, the staff feeds the data into a software for graphical analysis.

According to d’Vineripe, companies can now identify which processes are inefficient and take corresponding measures, as well as understand how productive their employees are and take the necessary steps to ensure they complete their tasks within the stipulated time.



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