Application of Huayang Microelectronics RFID Smart Label
Our company and conductive ink antenna manufacturer Parelec announced a partnership to develop RFID products. So far, the two companies have produced some anti-counterfeiting labels and RFID tickets that can be applied to public transportation systems.
RFID technology-based pass ticket
This smart label is used on product anti-counterfeiting packaging. The frequency of the label is 13.56MHz, which is compatible with ISO14443A and ISO15693 standards. 14443 has a user-programmable 512bits memory in the inlay, while the 15693 standard requires 1000bits of storage memory. The 15693 inlay has 1kbit of memory. The memory can store product codes and other identification data, which can be selected by the product manufacturer. The inlay features a printed antenna made from Parelec’s Parmod conductive silver ink and printed on the bottom layer of the label. Geva Barash, CEO of Parelec, said: “The tag is single-use, and when the tag is removed from the product, the antenna setup inside the tag is destroyed and the inlay is no longer readable.”
Manufacturers of consumer products can apply such labels to products they suspect may be counterfeit. Product retailers can read labels to verify authenticity before selling items. If the real data on the product label is inconsistent with the product code and other information provided by the manufacturer or the label cannot be read, the product retailer has the right to return the product to the manufacturer.
Such labels can also be used in industries such as pharmaceutical manufacturing. Huayang has also experimented with the use of this anti-counterfeiting label on other goods, especially high-priced products, including bottles used for wine bottles or other high-value items.
The RFID electronic tag ticket jointly manufactured by Huayang Microelectronics Co., Ltd. and Parelec Company has been used in China’s bus ride system. In China, the inlay in the card can be used in the multi-purpose card; in Singapore, it is only used in the ride card; in Brazil as well. One of the benefits of using Parelec-printed antennas on paper cards and tickets, Barash says, is that even if the ink gets crumpled or bent, the antenna won’t be rendered ineffective. However, such bending has the potential to damage the etched antenna.