ACC in the U.S. Trials to Implant RFID Chips into Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease
The Alzheimer’s Medical Center in West Palm Beach, Florida, USA (ACC)RFID chips will be implanted in more than 200 patient volunteers.This project will have a period of twoIn 2009, VeriChip Corp’s VeriMed system was used to help identify patients who were sent to the emergency room alone and could not help themselves.
The ACC organization provides medical assistance to more than 2,000 patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.Due to the particularity of Alzheimer’s disease, the patient cannot respond normally to the problem. If the patient isHe was rushed to the hospital without the company of nursing staff. The medical staff lacked understanding of the patient’s current medical conditions and could not make the most appropriate judgments in time.
ACC considered a variety of ways to reduce this risk, including the use of MedicAlert wristbands. However, the wristband can be removed or damaged, which is very limited in use.therefore, 10 months ago, ACC looked to VeriChip for RFID solutions and set out to prepare for the project launch.
ACC considered a variety of ways to reduce this risk, including the use of MedicAlert wristbands. However, the wristband can be removed or damaged, which is very limited in use.therefore, 10 months ago, ACC looked to VeriChip for RFID solutions and set out to prepare for the project launch.
In the pilot project, ACC medical staff will receive VeriChip training to learn how to use a syringe to inject passive 134 kHz tags that comply with ISO 11784 and 11785 standards.The person’s upper right arm. The label is placed in a glass test tube and is only the size of a grain of rice. The label has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. Each label is compiled with a unique 16The ID code is associated with the patient’s medical records stored in the VeriChip database.
There are currently about 600 medical institutions (most of them on the east coast) that have registered for the VeriMed network.Once an institution has registered with the VeriMed network, VeriChip will provide them withProvide necessary hardware and use training, such as how to log in to the VeriChip website.
Patients and their families who voluntarily participate in the project must first consult their doctors. If the doctor agrees to the implantation of the RFID chip, VeriChip can obtain the patient’s medical treatment.Record and authorize a list of hospitals to view the patient’s records. All medical records are stored in a web-based database in VeriChip.Unauthorized hospitals cannot view related documentsPieces.
The chip itself only contains a 16-bit ID number, so even if some illegal groups can scan the implanted chip, they cannot obtain relevant information.In addition, the VeriMed label itemsIt can only be read by the VeriMed reader.
VeriMed’s handheld reader can read the tag from 6-12 inches. After the tag is read, the reader will send the ID number of the tag to the computer running on the hospital through a wired or Bluetooth connection.VeriMed software on the surface. ACC claims that the patient cannot feel the chip in the skin, but the doctor can locate the core by touching the implanted skin area. VeriChip called chipThe minimum life span is 15-20 years.
Usually patients need to pay US$200 for chip implantation, and volunteers participating in the ACC project do not need to pay these fees. VeriChip only charges patients $10 for 1 month for maintenancePatient data on the VeriMed database. The hospital’s starter kit includes a reader and 10 chips, with a total price of $1,400