e-Plate: An example of RFID application in traffic management
e-Plate is a license plate with built-in electronic tags. The system can identify all vehicles that are driving or parked. E-plate is a standard license plate with a temporary chip inside.
This chip continuously transmits the identification number of the vehicle. Once the license plate is installed on the vehicle, the e-plate is also installed on the vehicle. No changes are required. Newly produced cars can be installed e-plated in a few minutes. The e-plate is effective in use, free of maintenance, and safe. Cars equipped with e-plate can be identified at any time, any place, under any weather conditions, and at any speed. A bumped, dirty or damaged license plate will not affect the normal operation of the e-plate. The E-plate design is unique, and it cannot be removed from one car and put on another car. No matter where it is used, e-plate can instantly identify every car.
e-Plate can greatly improve the efficiency of traffic management. It can be used to identify stolen vehicles, uninsured vehicles, vehicles with expired vehicle inspections, etc., can be used for car speed measurement, car tracking, etc., and the installation is simple and the technology is mature.
For a detailed introduction to e-Plate, please visit the website of Gabriel Germany:http://www.gabriel-china.com