Honeywell helps Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine improve outpatient efficiency

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In the past two years, in order to solve the problems of the large number of outpatients in hospitals, such as queuing up for registration, too long time for fee payment, and real-name medical treatment for non-insurers, 22 municipal hospitals in Beijing have been managed by the Municipal Social Security Bureau, the Municipal Health Bureau and the Municipal Hospital Under the guidance of the Bureau, the application of social security cards and Jingyitong cards has been fully implemented to gradually replace the original various types of diagnosis and treatment cards issued by hospitals. The social security card is for people with medical insurance, and the Beijing Medical Card is for non-medical people and patients from other places. The two cards will jointly form the Beijing “One Card for Medical Treatment” system. The application of the new card also has new requirements for supporting information reading equipment. For the smooth implementation of this project, the Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Affiliated to Capital Medical University has equipped more than 300 Honeywell Xenon 1900 2D image scanners for registration, inspection, charging, and doctor stations, so that medical staff can scan the card The barcode on the patient’s identity can be identified, eliminating the tedious process of manually inputting information and reading by the card reader. While improving the work efficiency of doctors, it also guarantees the safety of patients, which brings a double increase in the satisfaction of patients and doctors.

The Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Affiliated to Capital Medical University (hereinafter referred to as Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine) is the only city-owned comprehensive and modern Class-A Chinese Medicine Hospital in Beijing. There are 565 beds, 610 are actually open, and the average daily outpatient volume is more than 8,000.

   Honeywell Xenon 1900 scanner helps Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine improve outpatient efficiency

Beginning in June last year, Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital began to cancel the original in-hospital medical card, and implemented the application of social security cards and Beijing Medical Tong cards to facilitate faster medical treatment for patients. For example, through the “Jingyitong” system, patients can register at outpatient clinics, pharmacies, doctor workstations, outpatient routine inspections, etc., and pay directly after completing the diagnosis and treatment services. There is no need to queue at a special charging window.

The application of the two types of cards brings convenience for patients to go to the doctor, but at the same time it also brings challenges to the work of medical staff. Because the medical staff relies on reading the card information to retrieve the corresponding patient identity and medical record information from the system. The original in-hospital medical card number was short, and it was relatively easy for medical staff to enter simple numbers. However, the numbers of social security cards and Jingyitong cards have many digits and small characters (the numbers are as long as a dozen digits), and reading by the naked eye and manual input are inefficient and error-prone. Especially for senior TCM doctors, it is more difficult to read data.

Although both social security cards and Jingyitong cards have built-in chips, they can be identified by a card reader. However, the limited number of social security card readers made it impossible to equip each workstation, and the time required to insert, remove, and read the card would add up to several seconds. These problems all make the operation of medical and nursing work more cumbersome, and the length of time for a single patient to see a doctor will affect the efficiency of medical staff.


In addition to manual and chip identification, the social security card and the Jingyitong card also have the same information storage medium-a one-dimensional bar code corresponding to the card number. Compared with manual input and chip reading, the bar code recognition efficiency of non-contact reading is far better than the two. Therefore, Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine decided to use barcode scanning to read the card number as a solution.

The bar codes on the social security card and Beijing Medical Communication are both small in size, and the bar codes printed on the card media are easy to reflect light or have low contrast, making it difficult to identify. In particular, the barcode on the second-generation medical insurance card has almost reached nine unsuccessful scans in ten times. Therefore, Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine urgently needs a barcode scanner with powerful recognition capabilities.

In addition, Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine also sees some possible barcode applications in the future. Because at present internationally, the QR code has penetrated into many aspects of medical care. For example, the patient’s medicine list can be stored by the QR code information, and the pharmacy can scan the QR code to read and take the medicine, without having to call data from the system or repeatedly manually enter it. In addition, QR codes will be very useful in processes such as patient identity management, drug circulation management, specimen collection and inspection reports, blood management, asset management, disinfection process management, and even medical waste management. In consideration of the efficiency of barcode recognition and future application trends, Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine decided to use a scanner compatible with one-dimensional and two-dimensional barcodes to identify the barcodes of social security cards and Jingyitong cards. As a national demonstration unit of Chinese medicine hospital informatization, Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has very strict equipment purchase standards, and strict use tests on the equipment will be carried out before purchasing. Before purchasing scanner equipment, Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine selected more than a dozen barcode scanners of multiple brands and models for comparison, and conducted a month-long actual use test. Finally, Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine chose Honeywell’s Xenon 1900 two-dimensional imaging scanner among many products.

Xenon 1900 is made of Honeywell’s sixth-generation two-dimensional imaging technology. It has outstanding barcode scanning and digital image capture functions. It has extended depth of field, fast reading and enhanced performance even for poorly printed barcodes. . It can easily interpret almost all barcodes, including high-density linear barcodes and mobile phone QR codes. And its optional sterilizable body shell structure can resist the erosion of irritating chemicals, and it is more suitable for use in medical environments that often require alcohol disinfection.

Niu Xiaowei, Director of the Computer Center of Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine commented: “Honeywell’s Xenon 1900 two-dimensional image scanner has a strong recognition rate and high cost performance, which brings great work convenience to our medical staff. Where the product is deployed, we Only plan to equip the doctor’s station with the 1900 scanner. During the trial period, its excellent performance has also been recognized by other window staff, and they all hope to replace the original scanner with 1900. Now, we register, inspect, charge, etc. The windows are all equipped with 1900 scanners.”

   Honeywell Xenon 1900 scanner helps Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine improve outpatient efficiency

Honeywell Xenon 1900 2D image scanner

Implementation Effect

After the application of the Honeywell Xenon 1900 two-dimensional image scanner, the efficiency and level of outpatient management of Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine have been significantly improved. “Our hospital receives about 4,000 doctors who make appointments every day. The doctor’s job is very heavy. In the past, the doctors had to manually enter the medical card number to retrieve the identity and medical record information for the patients who made appointments. The new social security card and Jingyitong Cards have brought a lot of digital input work, which has increased their burden. After applying Honeywell’s barcode scanner, doctors are freed from the work of digital input. Their work enthusiasm and satisfaction are both It has been greatly improved. Our hospital’s appointment rate has increased from 45%-46% to 60%, which is inseparable from the good application of Honeywell’s scanner equipment.”

Ensure medical safety and prevent medical errors: During registration, inspection, charging, and consultation, medical staff can quickly scan barcodes to obtain patient identity information, avoid manual input errors, and effectively ensure medical safety and prevent medical errors.

Optimize the work process and improve work efficiency: Whether it is a social security card, a Beijing medical pass card or a medical record, medical staff can use the same scanner to read, instead of using multiple card readers, the work process is more convenient. In addition, the bar code scanning speed is faster, and the overall efficiency has been greatly improved whether it is the staff at the registration window or the doctor who sits on the consultation.

Future investment protection: The application of scanners that are compatible with one-dimensional and two-dimensional codes at the same time can enable hospitals to no longer need to purchase equipment when there is a need for two-dimensional scanning in the future, thereby protecting future investments.

Increased satisfaction of doctors and patients: The barcode scanner is easy to operate and efficient, and the installation and deployment of the product is very fast, and doctors are very happy to accept it. In addition, the patient’s waiting time is also shortened, and patient satisfaction is improved.

The patient’s medical treatment process will be simpler, and the workload of doctors will be gradually reduced by optimizing the process at any time. Behind this must rely on the support of big data. As a top manufacturer of high-performance imaging and laser data acquisition equipment, Honeywell’s rich experience in the automatic identification industry and the medical industry will also help and promote the continuous development of domestic medical informatization. The staff brings more efficient and convenient working methods, and brings a safer and more comfortable medical environment for patients.



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