Madrid AGF Building uses TagMaster system to manage parking lots
The AGF building located in Madrid, Spain uses the TagMaster Automatic Vehicle Identification System (AVI), which allows staff to easily pass through the building’s parking lot, and at the same time obtain higher security.
There are many offices belonging to different companies in the AGF building, and they use the same parking lot. In this parking lot, there are not only various companies parking, but also other different user groups. These user groups are divided into user groups with private parking spaces and temporary user groups (such as visitors and maintenance vehicles, etc.). Since there are more employees than parking spaces, they have to “compete” for parking spaces.
The parking lot environment is very bad because of the dust and garbage, and the system using infrared sensors is too sensitive to these factors. In addition, security issues must be considered. The infrared signal is too simple, so an effective commercial long-distance control system should not copy it and use it to control vehicle access.
In order to smooth the flow of traffic, customers need a long-distance vehicle entry and exit automatic control system that allows them to drive through the gate without opening the door or window. That is to say, while considering convenience issues, we must also consider security issues to avoid the danger of attack.
When long-distance recognition, automation and high security have become the main indicators of vehicle entry and exit management, the TagMaster system has become the first choice.
The AGF building installed TagMaster readers at the entrance and exit of the parking lot. Employees in the building have an identity card the size of a credit card, which is mounted on a Cattory fixed on the inside of the authorized vehicle’s windshield.
The reader is in a location that is out of reach of people, but can easily connect to the database of all employees of the building.
If the communication line connected to the host fails or the database host is cut off, the TagMaster wireless identification system can work as a stand-alone device and continue to allow authorized vehicles to enter and exit the parking lot.
Whenever a car with a valid card approaches the parking lot, the signal light will indicate whether entry is allowed or denied. The TagMaster system also has an “anti-roundabout” function, so it can know whether the vehicle is actually entering or leaving the parking lot (preventing the vehicle from “approaching and returning”). In this way, the vehicle must leave the parking lot before it can enter the parking lot again. For visitors without a card, the reader can also be controlled in the same way: the driver gets the confirmation through the walkie-talkie, the administrator manually enters a card number (simulated card reading program) into the system, and the system then lifts the lever to let it go. The TagMaster system can also prevent unauthorized people from entering.
in conclusion
Long-distance automatic identification capability, high security and flexible design make TagMaster system a natural solution for parking lot management vehicles.