RFID ensures the accuracy of in vitro fertilization
For most people, IVF is no longer a strange word, and it brings joy to many families. But if the child from IVF is neither like the father nor the mother, that would be somewhat shocking. In fact, it is still possible to confuse the fertilized eggs in the laboratory, and the situation similar to the wrong fertilized eggs has been reported in the past.
Now Overlake Reproductive Health, a leading research institution in reproductive medicine in the United States, uses IVF Witness RFID technology to prevent similar situations from happening. RFID technology can confirm the identity of fertilized eggs and sperm donors. Here, RFID tags play the role of digital fingerprints and strictly monitor laboratory work. IVF Witness ensures that the fertilized egg is implanted into the correct mother, and there is no error in the whole process. If there is a wrong sample, IVF Witness will alert the staff visually or acoustically.
RFID ensures the accuracy of in vitro fertilization
With this technology, parents who are ready to use IVF can rest assured.