Xiamen Jinshang Community Parking Management System Upgrade and Reconstruction Project

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Jinshang Community is the largest comprehensive community in Xiamen, which integrates housing, commerce and education. It was completed in 1998. The community has extensive transportation, near Yunding Middle Road in the east, Luling Road in the south, Jinshang Road in the west, and Xianyue Road in the north. The facilities are also very complete, including supermarkets, farmer’s markets, hospitals, leisure venues, banks, primary and secondary schools, kindergartens, etc. The configuration is readily available.

Xiamen Jinshang Community Parking Management System Upgrade and Reconstruction Project

Parking lot overview

Jinshang Community has more than 70 residential buildings. There is a small parking lot between the buildings, all of which are flat open-air parking lots. The total number of all parking spaces reaches more than 2,300. The parking lot is mainly used for owner’s vehicle parking and also for temporary vehicle parking. The owner’s parking spaces occupy most of the parking spaces. About 60% of the parking spaces belong to the owner’s parking spaces, and the remaining 40% are used for temporary vehicle parking spaces. .

Parking problem

In 2007, in order to regulate the order of the parking lot of the community, Jinshang Community’s parking lot manager, Xiamen Residential Property, introduced a large-scale product. At that time, the PM910 card and ticket management system with 2 in and 2 out was used, which quickly played a significant role. , It has been used for 6 years. However, with the rapid increase in the number of local private cars in Xiamen, the number of cars entering and leaving the parking lot of the community is increasing, which still reflects a series of new parking problems:

1. The traffic volume is huge and congestion is frequent. The main reasons for vehicle congestion are import congestion and exit congestion: the number of vehicles entering the parking lot every day is very large, which undoubtedly increases the working pressure of the two entrances and exits, and the parking tickets need to be replaced at any time. At that time, it will be more congested, and it will even affect the traffic order of several main roads in the surrounding cities; at the exit, the important reason for the congestion of vehicles at the exit is naturally the slow payment. In addition to the change and waste of time, toll disputes are also An important reason for the problem.

2. The fare evasion is serious, causing economic losses. The PM910 card and ticket combined management system adopts a charging method that uses a parking ticket as a toll voucher. The car owner only needs to hand the parking ticket taken when entering the venue to the toll staff to easily complete the payment and leave the venue. However, this method also has certain loopholes, that is, frequent fare evasion, which is also what we often call “parking spaces”, which makes it impossible to guarantee the parking of monthly card vehicles.

Under normal circumstances, fare evasion is mainly divided into the following two situations: one is the use of multiple vehicles on the same monthly card to evade the fare; the other is that the owner does not properly keep the parking ticket and causes the ticket to be lost, or the owner deliberately loses the ticket (this phenomenon) Relatively more) in order to avoid charges. For these fare-evading vehicles, due to the relatively large number of vehicles at the exit of the parking lot, toll collectors can only release these fare-evading vehicles in order to ensure that the vehicles leave the venue quickly. There are a lot of fare-evading vehicles in this community, which has caused certain economic losses to the parking lot management.

Management requirements

Based on the above parking problems, the parking lot management of Jinshang Community once again sought a solution to the parking problem from Xiamen Master Control, and put forward two requirements for the upgrade and reconstruction project of the parking lot management system: fundamentally eliminate fare evasion and standardize management. Minimize economic losses; eliminate congestion problems at import and export, promote smooth flow of import and export, and make it easier for vehicles to park.


Based on the continuous tracking and summary of the parking lot management system of Jinshang Community in the past six years, Xiamen Master Control combined with actual needs, and finally proposed the following parking lot scheme design for the community: the two entrances and exits of the north and the south removed the original PM910 card and ticket combined management System, use the rapid system of license plate recognition, 2 in 2 out, and set the central control point, with the amount display.

Solution process

The flow of temporary vehicles entering and exiting the parking lot is: when the vehicle enters the parking lot, it will trigger the sense of ground at the entrance. At this time, the camera installed in the rapid system control machine will immediately capture the license plate of the vehicle and transmit the picture to the recognition software , The software quickly recognizes the license plate and records the corresponding information (such as entry time, parking type, etc.). After processing, the management software saves this information. The barrier lifts the lever to release the vehicle, and the vehicle realizes fast forwarding without stopping. When the vehicle exits the field, the exit ground sense is triggered and the rapid system performs a secondary identification process for the vehicle. The management software immediately compares the license plates of the entrance and exit vehicles after receiving the relevant parking information and settles the parking fee. After the owner pays the fee , The barrier lifts the bar, the vehicle leaves the field quickly, and the temporary vehicles that do not need to pay (within the free time regulations) can exit the field without stopping.

The flow of monthly vehicles entering and exiting the parking lot is as follows: when vehicles enter the parking lot, the ground sensing coil at the entrance is also triggered. The system quickly completes the license plate recognition process. After the software recognizes that the license plate is a monthly truck in the monthly vehicle database, the barrier will be closed It will automatically lift the bar to release, and the management software will save the parking information of the vehicle at the same time; when the vehicle is out of the field, the rapid system will identify the vehicle twice, and after a series of rapid processing of the identification information, the vehicle will be detected as a monthly truck. Then quickly lift the bar and let it go.

Function realization

The plan was unanimously approved by the parking lot management, and then the project was improved. It was officially completed and put into use in July this year. After three months of use, the parking problem of the parking lot has been completely solved, mainly relying on the following three functions of the scheme:

1. Central control, convenient management

The system uses a large-scale networking method to form a networking mode for the two entrances and exits of the north and south gates, and a central control room is set up next to the entrance and exit of the south gate. The parking lot administrator can manage the entire parking lot here, and keep abreast of the situation of the parking lot; at the same time, the central control can also provide the management with multiple related functions, such as inquiring or printing financial statements at any time, remotely through a computer Perform related management of the two entrance and exit management systems.

2. License plate recognition eliminates fare evasion and guarantees vehicle safety

The license plate recognition fast system adopts the license plate recognition management mode. This mode has multiple functions. The most prominent function is that it can completely suppress the occurrence of fare evasion: instead of the original ticket-reading management method, it passes through the front and rear entrances and exits. The comparison of photos and the records of related information make it impossible for ticket evaders or “crunchers” to escape in front of the evidence, ensuring that the interests of the parking lot management are not lost.

The rapid license plate recognition system can also compare photos of entering and exiting vehicles, and can clearly distinguish whether the car thief has stolen the license plate, further ensuring the safety of the vehicle, and protecting the vehicle property safety of the owner and temporary owner.

3. Promote vehicles to enter and exit quickly, and the entrances and exits are no longer crowded

Monthly card vehicles can enter and exit the parking lot without stopping, and temporary vehicles can also enter and exit the parking lot. The fast payment for exit can also greatly shorten the time of entry and exit. Under normal circumstances, the shortest time for monthly vehicles to enter and exit the entrance and exit can reach 6 seconds, and the time for temporary vehicles to enter and exit the parking lot is generally within 30 seconds. In contrast, the time for entering and exiting the parking lot is shorter, which can further promote the rapid entry and exit of vehicles , To ensure the smooth flow of vehicles at the entrance and exit, and to change the phenomenon of vehicle congestion.

effect evaluation

After the Jinshang Community’s parking lot management system was upgraded and converted into a rapid license plate recognition system, on the one hand, the time for vehicles to enter and exit the venue was greatly shortened, and the vehicle congestion at the entrance and exit was effectively alleviated, thereby improving the traffic conditions at the entrance and exit; on the other hand, in While reducing the input cost and reducing the workload of the administrator, it also allows the administrator to easily maintain the parking order, thereby improving the overall management efficiency and managing more conveniently.



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