Weatherford technology integrates the domineering performance of the new RFID partner drilling reamer
Due to the increase in borehole complexity, the operating efficiency of conventional reamers and circulation heads has decreased. These tools require multiple trips for mechanical or hydraulic activation, which increases drilling costs.
In recent years, RFID (radio frequency identification) radio frequency identification technology has begun to be used in the oil and gas industry. The innovative application of active and passive radio frequency identification (RFID) technology provides a wider range of operations for well control and surface management systems. space. Active RFID technology can assist in reaming operations, achieve wellbore cleaning, and reduce the probability of diameter reduction. Passive RFID provides a strong guarantee for accurate drill delivery and improves the safety and efficiency of operations.
In late February 2016, Weatherford completed the reaming while drilling operation on the coast of Sakhalin Island in Russia, which not only met the requirements of the operator, the offshore development well is 3641 feet (1110 meters) long. The eye size has been expanded from 8?- to 9?, and compared with conventional operations, 52 hours of drilling cycle can be saved.
Weatherford has developed two reamer bottom drilling tool combinations, including RipTide reaming tool while drilling and RipTide reaming tool after drilling. Weatherford uses radio frequency identification technology to enable the reaming tool to be automatically switched on and off remotely after it is lowered. While reaming the borehole, the drilling operator can also ensure the cleanliness of the wellbore in a single operation and further reduce the diameter reduction. The probability.
According to the company, due to the need to clean the wellbore, the number of trips during the drilling process will increase, and RFID tools can ensure the cleanliness of the wellbore, so it has significant advantages in terms of time, cost and efficiency. .
During the drilling process, if the diameter is reduced, the reamer while drilling can be activated through RFID technology and pressure cycling to expand the hole.
Tool description
Weatherford’s RipTide reaming while drilling tool can perform concentric shaft reaming operations without damaging the casing. In addition, the reamer can be used in conjunction with a rotary steering system (RSS) (or rotary BHA) while reaming while drilling.
In addition to reaming the hole in the open hole, this tool also reduces the shrinkage of the hole significantly. In addition, the operator can also install two RipTide reamers on the same pipe string running downhole. The main reamer is installed above the MWD or LWD tool, and the second reamer is installed below the MWD or LWD. Above the drill bit and RSS.
These two eye expanders use RFID technology and hydraulic control to activate or deactivate multiple times independently. The main reamer is activated by RFID: the RFID annunciator is placed in the drill pipe from the ground surface and carried by the drilling fluid to the bottom of the well. The annunciator transmits the instruction to the recognizer that controls the reaming tool. After the instruction is recognized, the reamer The blades of the blade are stretched out from the inside of the eye reamer, so as to realize the eye reaming. The second reamer will be activated or deactivated according to pressure changes.
Scope of application
1. Single-pass operation can realize reaming while drilling;
2. The concentric shaft reaming can be realized without damaging the casing, so that the larger size technical casing can be inserted;
3. It can expand the pilot eye section, and can be applied to a variety of formations;
4. It can reduce the annulus flow velocity, effectively control the equivalent circulating density of drilling fluid, and reduce the risk of kick;
5. It is helpful for the installation of downhole expansion pipes and the completion of open holes, gravel packing and large-size liner;
6. Optimize cementing operations;
7. Reduce the probability of diameter reduction.
RipTide advantage
1. The RipTide reaming while drilling tool can install two reaming tools at the same time during operation, and use two methods to activate them, so that the same drill string can be reamed in the same wellbore, which improves the efficiency of operation And flexibility, reducing non-productive time.
2. The reamer has two activation methods: radio frequency identification and pressure cycling. In addition, the reamer can be activated and closed indefinitely during tripping and drilling operations.
3. Generally, the logging-while-drilling tool MWD or LWD cannot be used when pitching (controlling the reamer). If RFID technology is used to activate the main reamer above the MWD or LWD, it can replace the pitching operation to control the opening and closing of the reaming tool, and the logging while drilling tool MWD or LWD can be used with the reaming tool at the same time.
4. In addition, the second reaming tool under the MWD or LWD is activated by a pressure cycle to prevent the RFID from passing through the logging while drilling tool MWD or LWD and unable to control the second reaming tool.
5. When necessary, the reamer should be operated at a low flow rate to protect the fragile formation and prevent underground accidents.
6. RFID wireless radioactive source can be directly put into the wellbore. Compared with the conventional reaming operation, it is usedRFIDTechnology can save operating time and cost.
7. The reamer can record downhole operating parameters, such as vibration, pressure and temperature, so that operators can have a detailed understanding of downhole conditions.
8. Two reamers can be installed on the same drilling tool assembly for reamer operations, and these two reamers are independently controlled operations, thereby improving work efficiency.
9. The blade inside the reamer is embedded, which can reduce vibration and extend the life of the cutting teeth.
10. The blade of the reamer can be expanded or contracted, which can save a lot of drilling time and cost.