Analysis of cloud computing and its application in the field of security

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The wide application of security products and the continuous improvement of quality will inevitably lead to the rapid growth of security data, and the current growth rate of storage media cannot meet the current growth rate required for data storage, so the new storage – cloud storage will be used. discovery. At the same time, because the existing traditional technologies cannot satisfy the query, analysis and calculation of massive data information, a new computing model – cloud computing will emerge as the times require.

1. What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing is a business computing model that distributes computing tasks on a resource pool composed of a large number of computers, enabling users to obtain computing power, storage space and information services on demand. This resource pool is called “cloud”.

“Cloud” is some virtual computing resources that can be maintained and managed by themselves, usually some large server clusters, including computing servers, storage servers and broadband resources. Cloud computing centralizes computing resources and implements automatic management through specialized software without human involvement. Users can dynamically apply for some resources to support the operation of various applications, without worrying about tedious details, and can focus more on their own business, which is conducive to improving efficiency, reducing costs and technological innovation. The core concept of cloud computing is resource pool, which is very similar to the concept of grid computing pool (Computing Pool) proposed as early as 2002. The grid computing pool virtualizes computing and storage resources into a set that can be allocated in any combination, its scale can be dynamically expanded, and the processing power allocated to users can be dynamically recycled and reused. This model can greatly improve the utilization of resources and improve the service quality of the platform.

Cloud computing is the development of parallel computing, distributed computing and grid computing, or the commercial realization of these computing science concepts. Cloud computing is the result of the hybrid evolution and leap of concepts such as virtualization, utility computing, and infrastructure as a service laas, platform as a service PaaS, and software as a service SaaS.

2. What are the advantages of cloud computing

The characteristics of cloud computing that we have summarized are as follows (this summary is generally accepted):

1. Hyperscale. The “cloud” has a considerable scale. Google cloud computing has more than 1 million servers, and the “clouds” of companies such as Amazon, IBM, Microsoft, and Yahoo have hundreds of thousands of servers. “Cloud” can give users unprecedented computing power.

2. Virtualization. Cloud computing supports users to use various terminals to obtain services at any location. The requested resource comes from the “cloud” rather than a fixed tangible entity. The application runs somewhere in the “cloud”, but in fact, the user does not need to know the specific location of the application running, and only needs a notebook or a PDA, and can obtain various super-capable services through network services.

3. High reliability. “Cloud” uses measures such as multi-copy fault tolerance of data, isomorphic and interchangeable computing nodes to ensure high reliability of services. Using cloud computing is more reliable than using local computers.

4. Versatility. Cloud computing is not aimed at specific applications. With the support of the “cloud”, various applications can be constructed. The same “cloud” can support the operation of different applications at the same time.

5. High scalability. The scale of the “cloud” can be dynamically scaled to meet the needs of application and user scale growth.

6. On-demand service. The “cloud” is a huge pool of resources that users buy on demand, billed like tap water, electricity and gas.

7. Extremely cheap. The special fault-tolerant measures of the “cloud” make it possible to use extremely cheap nodes to form the cloud; the automated management of the “cloud” greatly reduces the cost of data center management; the publicity and versatility of the “cloud” greatly improves the utilization of resources; ” “Cloud” facilities can be built in areas with abundant electricity resources, thereby drastically reducing energy costs. Therefore, the “cloud” has an unprecedented cost-performance ratio, and users can fully enjoy the low-cost advantage of the “cloud”.

3. Application examples of cloud computing in the field of security

1.Application of Cloud Computing in HD Video Surveillance

The cVideo developed by Nanjing Yunchuang Storage Technology Co., Ltd. is one of the more successful cloud computing solutions in the field of high-definition security monitoring. cVideo uses the parallel processing capability of cloud computing to encode and decode high-definition video, and uses the reliable storage capability of cloud storage to complete the storage of massive data, thereby achieving high concurrency, high reliability, and low cost. , intelligent, P network development.

cVideo has three core modules: high-definition codec system, intelligent analysis and retrieval system, and high-efficiency cloud storage system. Based on a cloud storage system with high concurrent performance, high reliability, low cost, low power consumption, easy expansion and maintenance-free, and scalable cloud computing architecture, it completes high-definition decoding and encoding of multi-input video, and converts the decoding results into real-time road display to the video wall. Using cloud computing capabilities, it can realize various commonly used intelligent recognition algorithms, such as license plate recognition, face recognition, body color, fire smoke detection, intrusion detection and other intelligent algorithms, and can guide video storage with intelligent analysis results, and develop structured videos. Data format and intelligent retrieval algorithm to realize intelligent retrieval and knowledge strategy.

cVideo can realize a single system to complete more than 6 channels of 1080P/30FH264 decoding, 1 channel of 1080P/30FH.264 encoding, multi-channel splicing display, and supports 1/2/4/6 screen display, RSTP/RTCP/IGMP/TCP /IP and other network streaming media protocols, and can also realize multicast scheduling. Its high-definition codec system can be flexibly expanded, multi-level cascaded, and has an excellent architecture with high integration and high reliability.

cVideo can achieve more than 10Gbps concurrent service capability, support unlimited capacity expansion, maintenance-free, and provide up to 3 times the redundancy capability. The overall power consumption is more than 3 times lower than traditional storage solutions, and the cost is reduced by more than 5 times.

2.Application of cloud computing in smart buildings

The cloud computing-based building energy and security platform developed by Beijing Lande Watson Automation Technology Co., Ltd. is a platform that organically combines the Internet of Things and cloud computing technology. This platform completely presents the overall architecture of the Internet of Things, and the top layer uses cloud computing technology to achieve overall management and control. The perception layer will be composed of various network sensors, including cameras, infrared/radiation sensors, various access control sensors, smart water, electricity, gas meters, fire probes, etc., all of which will form a “smart” building in the form of a networked structure. The sensor network of the control system. The network layer will be composed of the transmission medium and the IP function controller. In layman’s terms, the integrated wiring system is used as the transmission medium, and the perception layer signal is transmitted to the corresponding IP function controller through the standard communication protocol of the Internet of Things. The application layer will be composed of functional software for centralized management and decentralized applications, still in line with the “distributed control principle”.

As we all know, the platform software determines the application scope and control function of the IP function controller, and realizes different function control requirements at the same management software level, and realizes the integrated control mode of great integration.

In this platform, building-level large-capacity on-site storage devices, including a large number of historical data storage devices (currently mainly building energy consumption collection servers, storage servers and analysis servers, etc.), video storage devices (currently mainly hard disk recorders, etc.) will be It will be gradually replaced by the network backup system – “cloud storage” platform.Cloud computing, as the top-end centralized management and control platform, realizes the overall management and control function of the building complex, enabling

The principle of “distributed control” is extended from the “small distributed control” system of a single building to the “large distributed control” system of the building group, which satisfies the requirements of the overall sensing unit (sensor of the perception layer) and control unit (the application layer of the building group). IP function controller and function control software), execution unit (IP function controller at the application layer and on-site execution equipment), and feedback unit (feedback mechanism and sensor at the perception layer) form a large control loop to realize large closed-loop control of the building complex and manage.

The future of cloud computing

With the continuous development and maturity of science and technology, 3G, Internet of Things and other technologies are becoming more and more mature and stable. Cloud computing, as a business computing model, will eventually be combined with these technologies and complement each other, bringing unpredictable changes to the world.

3G and cloud computing are interdependent and mutually reinforcing. On the one hand, 3G will bring hundreds of millions of broadband mobile users to cloud computing. At present, 3G users have exceeded 500 million and are growing at an astonishing rate. 2009 was the first year of 3G in China, and the number of users exceeded 10 million that year. The terminals of these users are mobile phones, PDAs, notebooks, netbooks, etc. They have limited computing power and storage space, but have strong networking capabilities and have a natural demand for cloud computing, which will actually support cloud computing to achieve commercial success; On the one hand, cloud computing can provide 3G users with a better user experience. Cloud computing has powerful computing power, nearly unlimited storage space, and supports a variety of software and information services, which can provide 3G users with an unprecedented service experience.

The Internet of Things and cloud computing are also interactive. First of all, the development of the Internet of Things is also inseparable from the support of cloud computing. From a quantitative point of view, the Internet of Things will use a staggering number of sensors, such as hundreds of millions of RFID, video surveillance, etc., and the amount of data collected is staggering. These data need to be aggregated to some storage and processing facilities through wireless sensor networks and broadband Internet, and using cloud computing to carry these tasks has a very significant cost-effectiveness advantage; qualitatively, using cloud computing facilities to process and process these data, Analysis and mining can manage and control the physical world more quickly, accurately and intelligently, so that human beings can manage the physical world more timely and finely, so as to achieve a state of “wisdom” and greatly improve the utilization rate of resources and the level of social productivity. It can be seen that cloud computing will naturally become the back-end support platform of the Internet of Things by virtue of its powerful processing power, storage capacity and extremely high cost performance. Secondly, the Internet of Things will become the largest user of cloud computing, which will lay the foundation for cloud computing to achieve greater commercial success.

No matter which mode of cloud computing develops in the future, its application in the field of security will be seen everywhere. The interconnection of large security cloud systems will eventually be born in our lives, and bring high performance and low power to our security industry. consumption and cheap service.



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