Anti-counterfeiting system of Chinese herbal medicine in Dingxi, China

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Establishing a traceability system for the circulation of Chinese medicinal materials and controlling the quality of medicinal materials from the source can not only achieve standardized planting and management, but also promote farmers to increase their income. “Fu Ping, director of the Minxian Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry Development Bureau, introduced that the county, in light of the county conditions, emphasizes “limited traceability” and “selective traceability”, and creates a cooperative operation model with farmers. For farmers to grow loosely, strengthen planting training and cultivate standardization. For production methods, establish a traceability mechanism from the source of planting and mining. Develop modern logistics and storage facilities, establish special facilities for bulk medicinal materials, establish a local traceability service center, and strengthen supervision in the circulation link. Establish a traceable Internet of Things and e-commerce management system , Using big data and cloud computing to build the Gansu Longyao circulation supervision and traceability system, establish a database for the circulation traceability system of Chinese medicinal materials, and set up identification barcodes for each product. Use the network to set up traceability identification codes, authentication electronic vouchers, intelligent traceability scales, and information reading Write equipment, emergency management, data transmission, terminal inquiry and other necessary supporting facilities.

Anti-counterfeiting system of Chinese herbal medicine in Dingxi, China

Gansu is a major province in the production of Chinese medicinal materials and a major province in the trade of Chinese medicinal materials. In the process of production and circulation, the quality control of Chinese medicinal materials is particularly important. In this regard, the Provincial Department of Commerce attaches great importance to the construction of the traceability system for the circulation of Chinese medicinal materials, and strives to control the quality of Chinese medicinal materials from the source. At the same time, the establishment of a traceability system such as Chinese medicinal materials and vegetables will be taken as an important measure for targeted poverty alleviation, to unblock consumption channels, and promote farmers to increase production and income and get rid of poverty and become rich.

“The quality of Chinese medicinal materials in Gansu, especially Angelica and Codonopsis, is known as the king of medicinal materials and enjoys a high reputation in Malaysia.” At the 117th Canton Fair not long ago, Mr. Chen, director of the Malaysian Seagull Group, praised Gansu’s Chinese medicinal materials. He said that the company has been cooperating with Gansu on Chinese medicinal materials since the 1970s. The medicinal materials include more than 50 varieties including angelica, dangshen, rhubarb, astragalus, pinellia, wolfberry, licorice, and Cynomorium. There are more than 200 varieties of Chinese patent medicines imported from Lanzhou Foci Pharmaceuticals and Gansu Meierkang Pharmaceuticals, and more than 50 conventional varieties are maintained.

Traditional Chinese medicine is a treasure of the Chinese nation. It contains rich medical knowledge, philosophical thoughts and humanistic spirit, and is the embodiment of my country’s cultural soft power. As early as the early 20th century, Chinese medicine entered Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia and other countries in the form of trade, and gradually entered European countries in the 1960s. In recent years, there has been an upsurge in the development and utilization of Chinese medicine in the world. At present, Chinese medicine has spread to more than 160 countries and regions in the world, and it has become a strategic emerging industry with potential development advantages and broad market prospects in my country’s economic and social development.

In recent years, the provincial party committee and the provincial government have attached great importance to the development of the Chinese medicine industry, increased support, and leveraged geographical advantages to promote the expansion and strength of the Chinese medicine industry. The Provincial Department of Commerce and other departments attach great importance to the development of Chinese medicine trade, and promote Gansu Chinese medicine to “go global” and expand its international market share. The relevant person in charge of the Provincial Department of Commerce introduced that our province has issued the “Implementation Opinions on Supporting and Promoting the Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine”, “Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Longyao Industry”, “Several Opinions on Promoting the Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine Service Trade in Gansu Province”, etc. , Effectively promoted the development of the Chinese medicine industry and the international trade of Chinese medicinal materials.

In accelerating the development of the Chinese herbal medicine industry, our province attaches great importance to the construction of a quality system. In November 2013, the Ministry of Commerce confirmed that Gansu Province will be included in the second batch of pilot provinces for the construction of the traceability system for the circulation of traditional Chinese medicinal materials. The Provincial Department of Commerce initiated the construction of the traceability system for the circulation of Chinese medicinal materials, focusing on the province’s traditional Chinese medicinal materials market, which is the main source of circulation traceability. In the link, an implementation plan suitable for the development of Gansu was put forward, focusing on the construction of a traceability system based on the network, which provided a strong guarantee for the healthy development of “Longyao”.

“Establishing a traceability system for the circulation of Chinese medicinal materials to control the quality of medicinal materials from the source will not only achieve standardized planting and management, but also promote farmers’ income.” A person in charge of Lanzhou Foci Pharmaceutical told reporters that Chinese medicinal materials are the development, production, and production of medicines. As the source of development and application, only the quality of the source can be standardized and modernized production of traditional Chinese medicines, and the quality of traditional Chinese medicines can be fundamentally guaranteed. At present, Foci Pharmaceuticals has cooperated with the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Lanzhou University to establish production bases for Chinese medicinal materials in Zhangxian and Weiyuan County, establish a production and circulation traceability mechanism, and control the quality of medicinal materials from the source.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Market Order Division of the Provincial Department of Commerce, there are currently 30 leading agricultural industrialization enterprises above the provincial level that produce and operate Chinese medicinal materials, and 139 GMP-certified pharmaceutical manufacturers, including 17 enterprises with an output value of more than 100 million yuan; There are more than 200 medicinal materials processing enterprises in the province, with a total annual processing volume of about 200,000 tons, accounting for about 23% of the province’s total medicinal materials output; there are 103 Chinese medicinal materials processing enterprises, of which more than half are located in Dingxi City.

According to the investigation of the Provincial Department of Commerce, the construction of standardized production (GAP) bases for Chinese medicinal materials in our province is still relatively lagging. The number of enterprises + bases is small and the scale is small. In order to prevent pests and diseases and increase production, some farmers have unreasonably used chemical fertilizers and pesticides in the production of medicinal materials, resulting in excessive residues of some medicinal materials. The lack of standardization and supervision in warehousing, transportation, sales and other links is likely to cause secondary pollution.

For these potential market circulation problems, it is exposed that the circulation traceability system of Chinese medicinal materials urgently needs to be improved, so as to form a circulation system that can be monitored and traced. At present, in Dingxi City, Dahe Chinese herbal medicine and other enterprises are mainly used to realize the geographical environment, planting process, Effective dynamic management and information analysis are carried out in the process of purchasing, processing, inspection and warehousing. At the same time, authentic Chinese medicinal products circulated in the market are affixed with two-dimensional bar codes or RFID (radio frequency identification) tags as “identity cards” to record information on various links such as planting, processing, testing, logistics, and distribution. “Binding key data such as the person responsible for the product of Chinese medicinal materials, quality parameters, and circulation information on the’ID Card Number’, and then complete the information transmission and verification through the network platform, so that all quality links in the Chinese medicinal materials industry can be effectively controlled.” Dingxi Said the person in charge of a Chinese herbal medicine company.

“Referring to international practices, the province’s traditional Chinese medicine’going out’ is still facing many difficulties. It is necessary to further increase the promotion of Chinese medicine-related products and establish a standardized marketing system.” The relevant person in charge of the Provincial Department of Commerce said that it should actively adapt in the future. The internationally accepted technical requirements and quality inspection standards promote the standardization and standardized production of the traditional Chinese medicine industry in our province, and accelerate the pace of “going out” of service trade.

Our province has recently issued relevant opinions to make specific arrangements for the construction of the traceability system for the circulation of Chinese medicinal materials. One is to establish a source traceability mechanism. Support the province’s production enterprises to establish medicinal planting bases, combine the province’s conditions, highlight “limited traceability” and “selective traceability”, and create a cooperative operation model with farmers. For loose planting of farmers, strengthen planting training, cultivate standardized production methods, and establish a traceability mechanism from the source of planting and mining.

The second is to establish a market supervision system for circulation links. The provincial commerce department actively supports the invigorating circulation of traditional Chinese medicine, the development of modern logistics and storage facilities, the establishment of special facilities for bulk medicinal materials, the establishment of local traceability service centers, and the strengthening of supervision in the circulation link. Establish a traceable Internet of Things and e-commerce management system, use big data and cloud computing to build the Gansu Longyao circulation supervision and traceability system, establish a database for the circulation traceability system of Chinese medicinal materials, and set up identification barcodes for each product. Use the network to set up traceable identification codes, certified electronic certificates, intelligent traceability scales, information reading and writing equipment, emergency management, data transmission, terminal inquiries and other necessary supporting facilities.

The third is to establish a marketing network for the international trade of Chinese medicine. The Provincial Department of Commerce supports overseas certification and registration of traditional Chinese medicine products, vigorously cultivates the research and development of individual Chinese herbal medicine supplements and health products, cultivates new growth points for medicinal materials, and encourages overseas promotion of medicinal materials by item. Actively build a cooperation platform for the “going out” of Chinese medicine, encourage the overseas development of the Chinese medicine health care industry, establish sales channels and storage facilities, and promote the overall development of the province’s Chinese medicine industry.



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