Application case of intelligent anti-trailing iris recognition AB linkage access control system

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With the rapid development of social science, technology and economy, the security requirements of prisons and financial departments are getting higher and higher, especially for the monitoring areas where prisoners are detained and the banking business where cash business is handled. One of the most common criminal methods in prisons and bank crimes, that is, after the staff opens the door to enter the first door or the business counter, the criminals will hold the staff to rush into the first door or counter to commit crimes. Therefore, the general anti-theft doors and access control systems in such places are difficult to play a preventive role, and cases of trailing robbery frequently occur. Solving this problem has become the top priority of the public security and financial departments to prevent crimes.

The emergence of intelligent anti-trailing iris recognition AB linkage access control system provides a simple and effective security measure for such special places, which can effectively prevent the occurrence of such crimes through trailing, and has been widely used in banks. , prisons and other places with high security needs.

Program introduction

  The strategic policy of “strengthening the police with science and technology” is profoundly changing the traditional way of police work. The construction of prison access control is one of the important contents of the “Golden Shield Project”, and it is the necessary basis for realizing the modernization of prison management and ensuring the safety of prisons.

With the death and escape incidents that often occur in our country’s prisons, the importance of the urgent need to improve the prison security technology has received more and more attention and attention from the society, and new prison security concepts and technologies have emerged as the times require. This program analyzes and expounds the actual application case of a large prison in a province, and introduces a brand-new digital prison security system. The construction of the digital prison channel management system can be composed of video surveillance, entrance and exit management, perimeter alarm, patrol management, intercom and access management, and positioning of prison personnel.

Prisoners escape from prison or die abnormally. Usually, criminals or insiders use the method of following or coercing staff to escape from the detention site or enter confidential places to carry out criminal activities. No matter which way the criminals use, if they want to escape or To enter the site, you must first pass through one or two security gates. After entering the first door, employees must lock the first door in accordance with the regulations before entering the second door. If the first door is not closed as required after entering the first door, the employee will not be able to enter the second door. How to prevent crime Occurrence, the key lies in how to control the authority of the security door channel well and quickly communicate the police situation to the security department or public security department.

The anti-tailing and anti-coercion linkage iris access control system means that the two doors in the system have the function of interlocking linkage, that is, when one door is opened, the other door is locked, and only when both doors are closed, through identity verification, can Open one of the doors. At the same time, a barrier-free buffer zone is set up between the A and B doors, with a detection and alarm system linked to video surveillance at the same time. Those who try to illegally pass through this area will definitely touch the alarm system and detect the police situation in advance without approaching the other door. It further strengthens the occurrence of trailing theft and jailbreak.

The prison anti-trailing iris recognition linkage access control system launched by our company is further analyzed and elaborated according to the common means of criminals using trailing or coercion to enter and exit the detention site for illegal activities, combined with the actual application results of a large prison in a province. The control and system alarm design is an iris system product that meets the needs of the prison access control security control system, and has been used to improve in the actual process.

The value of this plan is that it can make the daily operations of the prison staff more standardized. On the basis of standardized operations, the purpose of preventing tailgating and coercion from entering and leaving the supervision site can be achieved, and the occurrence of prisoner escapes and abnormal deaths can be effectively prevented.

As a special area with a high safety factor, the safety management of prisons is very important for the control and management of prison gates, cell gates, passages, and activity venues.

System functions

  1. Double-door two-way interlocking function, the personnel entering and exiting the prison passage must have effective iris recognition to pass through the two doors, and each door needs to be authenticated by iris recognition. When one door is open, the other door is locked; when an alarm occurs, the door can be closed urgently to realize the forced locking of the two doors at the same time; when the detection system generates an alarm signal, the two doors are forced to be closed at the same time. No matter what measures are adopted, the door cannot be opened. Only when the alarm is lifted, the prison control center releases the closure through the management software, and the door can be opened normally. It is safe and convenient to manage the authority, entry and exit time and entry method of people entering and leaving through the management computer, which plays a double insurance role.

2. Anti-trailing management: Set up a buffer passage area between the first door and the second door to strengthen the control of personnel entering and leaving, and prevent the trailing person from sneaking in and illegally passing through one of the doors. After passing through the first door, the second door can only be opened by passing through this buffer area according to the specified area (limited number of people swiping the card), otherwise it will be caught by the detector, resulting in a video surveillance alarm and double doors interlocking, thus making it impossible to pass. This way will greatly reduce the situation of anti-trailing in and out.

3. Card swipe camera function: When a person swipes a valid card in the buffer area, the channel controller will automatically take a picture of the person who swiped the card, and the captured image will be saved in the management center database for the record. The images captured for the first time are compared. If all the information is consistent, the staff of the management center can release it.

4. Motion detection and alarm function: In order to further improve the anti-tailing function, infrared microwave double-signature detectors are installed in the buffer zone between the AB door channels to prevent the tailers from illegally passing the buffer passage area test, otherwise they will touch the detection alarm, access control The controller drives the double doors to lock, and drives the video monitoring alarm at the same time, and the personnel in the monitoring room quickly respond accordingly and check the true identity of the trailing personnel.

5. Anti-coercion function: In case of emergencies, prison staff may be held hostage by criminals and forced to open the door to release. In this case, the staff can enter the anti-coercion code on the card reader or iris meter to release. At the same time, the alarm signal has been transmitted to the management center through the channel controller to inform the relevant prison personnel to prepare for rescue.

6. Time period setting: Multiple curfew functions can be realized within 24 hours (the time can be set freely), normally open or normally closed, swiping the card to open the access control is invalid, must be confirmed by the on-duty policeman, then manually open the access control release, this function can be released from time to time. Factors to strengthen the management of security measures.

7. System self-checking function: When there is a communication line failure caused by nature or man-made intentional, damage to the door body, lock body, abnormal identification terminal, power failure of the controller, undervoltage of the backup battery, etc. Alarm signal, so that the staff quickly make corresponding processing.

8. Remote real-time monitoring function: AB linkage access control system and buffer area barrier system can realize remote or even remote monitoring and corresponding response behaviors not only in the office area in the case of illegal or abnormal identification and passage.

9. The alarm signals of the AB access control system and the gate system in the buffer area are connected by sound and light equipment, and all alarm signals can be converted into sound and visual results in time to prompt the staff, such as intercom, speakers, sirens, and video surveillance. etc., so as to deal with various police situations more conveniently and intuitively.

Systematic Review and Features

  In line with the principle of “strict entry and strict exit”, all entrances and exits of the gates must be verified by the most advanced iris recognition device before passing through the gates. In the event of fire or other emergencies, all access control systems can be fully opened and fully locked through access control mechanical buttons or software. After the access control system is powered off, all door locks must be manually opened by police officers.

According to the actual requirements of the prison management work, the management mode of the AB linkage door is adopted to realize the linkage and interlocking of the double doors, and a buffer area is made between the AB doors.

When entering the supervision area in normal state, iris recognition opens door A, enters the anti-trailing buffer area, then swipes the card to open the gate, opens door B through iris recognition again, and enters the internal area. When leaving the supervision area, the center will conduct third-party verification after swiping the card, and the center will check whether the personnel in the surveillance video meet the permission to go out. Open the gate, if you don’t swipe your card to jump over the gate, the motion detection system will immediately send an alarm, and at the same time link the video surveillance and lock the A and B doors, eliminating the possibility of illegally passing through the buffer zone and coming up with the A door. Gate A can only be passed through the buffer zone legally. The entry and exit process is shown in the figure below.

1. The entry and exit identity verification terminals of this system all use the most advanced identification technology product – iris biometrics. Its identification accuracy is 6-10 times that of fingerprints, the misrecognition rate is less than 1/1000 of fingerprints, and the rejection rate is not high. To one-tenth of the fingerprint, the average failure rate is less than one-tenth of the fingerprint, and the recognition speed is 5-10 times that of the fingerprint, so it is the most ideal choice at present.

Basic technical parameters:

  1), misrecognition rate: one-eye recognition is less than 1 in 1 million, and binocular recognition is less than 1 in 1 billion.

2) The iris recognition time (from the acquisition of the iris image at the appropriate position to the output of the recognition result) is 0.1 seconds, the iris recognition time (from the collection of the iris image to the output of the recognition result) is less than 1 second for single eye recognition, and less than 3 seconds for binocular recognition; iris registration time (From acquisition of iris image to completion of registration) Monocular registration is less than 3 seconds and binocular registration is less than 5 seconds.

3) Register 10,000 iris files and store 100,000 pieces of identification information.

4), sound and light guided non-contact recognition distance 20-50CM.

5) Working environment temperature: -20℃~+60℃.

6) It can be used offline or online, hanging or desktop optional.

2. The anti-submarine buffer zone is set up with double-sign detection and the iris access control system and the video surveillance linkage system respectively, thus constituting an organic combination of the access control system and the monitoring system. After the illegal passer touches the detector, it will immediately drive the access control system to lock the double doors, and at the same time drive the video surveillance alarm, so that the staff can see the scene in time. This detector is a combination of infrared and microwave dual detection technology. It is currently the most advanced detection product suitable for small spaces. Double detection reduces the false alarm rate to a minimum.

3. The whole process of real-time video, sound and light monitoring and tracking, all illegal behaviors of the system can generate visual and audible alarm signals, providing the staff with the maximum basic judgment conditions.



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