Chengdu Vanke Elderly Service Center successfully applied RFID positioning safety warning system

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With the accelerating trend of population aging, the elderly population is increasing, and there are many issues concerning the safety management of the elderly. The nursing home is a very important place for the elderly to live and live. Therefore, the safety management of the elderly in the nursing home has become a problem that the society pays more and more attention to.In response to the current needs for personnel entry and exit management, intelligent area, precise positioning, and alarm for help in large public places such as nursing homes, there are currently various types of solutions on the market, ranging from the initial GPS positioning management, mobile phone positioning management , to the later passiveRFID, Active RFID wireless radio frequency management system, to varying degrees, the management level of the elderly in the nursing home has been improved, and the safety problems of the elderly have been effectively solved, but there are still some problems. For example, the precise positioning of the elderly needs to be located in each room, and the elderly unconsciously fall and call for help, etc., the above systems cannot solve it. In view of the existence of these problems, combined with the advantages of our company’s semi-active RFID technology, our company has specially developed this system “Regional Positioning Management System for Nursing Home Personnel Based on Semi-active RFID Radio Frequency Identification Technology”. This solution is also tailor-made for a nursing home in Baoshan District, Shanghai. It can well solve the functional requirements of automatic entry and exit judgment management of personnel, precise positioning of personnel, regional positioning management, and fall call for help and alarm. The system can also realize intelligent monitoring and management, personnel information management, cross-border alarm, button help alarm, tracking and other functions. Significantly improved the level of safety management for the elderly.

General introduction of semi-active RFID system

1. System principle

Through the application of RFID (electronic label), the APS real-time positioning and tracking system uses the electronic label as the most advanced identification code at present. It has the characteristics of non-breakage, reliable data, long service life and long effective communication distance. It is an alternative to bar code and infrared identification. the best choice. It is installed on the controlled target to be used as the unique identification of the target for tracking and positioning.

At work, managers track and locate targets through networked wireless identification base stations.

1) Semi-active RFID electronic tags

Semi-active RFID electronic tags are integrated with the advantages of active RFID electronic tags and passive RFID electronic tags, as a special marker. In normal circumstances, it does not work in a dormant state, and does not send RFID signals to the outside world. Only when it enters the activation signal range of the low-frequency activator and the tag is activated, it starts to work.

2) Working principle of semi-active RFID automatic identification

Combined with the low frequency activator, the semi-active RFID tag works normally after being activated. The activation distance of the low-frequency activator is limited, and it can only be accurately activated in a small distance and a small range. In this way, the low-frequency activator is used as the base point to locate, install different base points in different positions, and then use the long-distance activator in a large area. The reader recognizes and reads the signal, and then uploads the signal to the management center in different uploading methods. In this way, the entire process of signal acquisition, transmission, processing, and application is completed.

3) The principle of regional positioning


Chengdu Vanke Elderly Service Center successfully applied RFID positioning safety warning system

As shown in the figure above, we use RFID semi-active technology for personnel area positioning management. In each monitored area, such as each room, a semi-active positioning base station, which is our company’s low-frequency activator, is installed. Each low-frequency activation The device has 4 or 6 channels of activating antennas, and adjacent 4 or 6 rooms can share a low-frequency activator. In the entire positioning system, the positioning base station is the smallest base point, which is the closest to the positioning point. The base point, the distance of the activated tag is 3-3.5 meters, that is, each tag is activated within the range of 3-3.5 meters of the activator, and its positioning accuracy can be described as 3-3.5 meters. Activators in different areas have their own unique address codes. When a person enters the positioning base station with a semi-active low-frequency activation tag and is activated, the tag will work normally, send the ID number of the tag to the outside world, and also send out the activation tag. The address code of the activator, so that we can locate the location of the label through the address code of the activator. When the label is taken from one activator to another, the uploaded activator address code will also change accordingly, thus forming a complete positioning system. The data uploaded by the tag is received by a large-scale positioning base station gateway, and the information is uploaded to the management center for processing, completing the entire positioning system.

Second, the overall structure of the system

1) System composition and architecture

The personnel area positioning management system based on semi-active RFID technology consists of semi-active RFID electronic tags, semi-active low-frequency activators, readers (receivers, electronic monitoring base stations), network equipment, computers, servers and system software. The following figure shows the system architecture of a simple personnel area positioning management system:

Chengdu Vanke Elderly Service Center successfully applied RFID positioning safety warning system

System network structure

2) Schematic diagram of system area positioning

Chengdu Vanke Elderly Service Center successfully applied RFID positioning safety warning system

As shown in the figure above: Through the address codes of the activators uploaded by different activated tags, the situation of the personnel near different activators can be judged, including the number of personnel, names, positions and other information. In this way, no matter where the personnel go, the local activator will lock them to determine their specific location, and upload the information to the management center in a timely manner, and the management center will obtain relevant results after a series of transformation processing. At the same time, it is also very easy to complete our established purpose, which is to manage the regional positioning of personnel.

3) Access control access management system

Chengdu Vanke Elderly Service Center successfully applied RFID positioning safety warning system


As shown in the figure above, we install a low-frequency activator for each access control that needs to be managed. Each activator leads to 2 low-frequency activation antennas, namely No. 1 antenna and No. 2 antenna, which are respectively arranged outside and inside the access control. A 2.45G long-distance reader, independently developed and produced by our company, is installed next to the access control as a signal receiver. When a person wears a semi-active RFID low-frequency activation tag and enters the access control, it will be activated by the activation antenna No. 1 and the activation antenna No. 2 in turn, so that the system judges that the person enters the access control. On the contrary, the system recognizes it as going out. In this way, the management of the entry and exit judgments of the entire access control system is completed.

  Shanghai Hongyan Internet of Things RFID technician positioning safety warning system was successfully applied in Chengdu Vanke Elderly Service Center

The service center is a high-end place under Vanke serving the elderly, aiming at the elderly to live happily and happily in their old age, to spend their old age in peace and to take care of their old age.

Hongyan’s RFID-based positioning security service system can comprehensively monitor the behavior of the elderly in the activity place, positioning location, activity trajectory, hobbies, etc., and can issue an alarm signal when the elderly are in danger, which can remind the staff. Deal with it in advance and come into contact with the danger.

It well solves the functional requirements of automatic entry and exit judgment management of personnel, precise positioning of personnel, regional positioning management, and fall and help alarm. The system can also realize intelligent monitoring and management, personnel information management, cross-border alarm, button help alarm, tracking and other functions. Significantly improved the level of safety management for the elderly.



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