Detailed application of RFID temperature and humidity detection
With the rapid development of the Internet of Things, RFID technology is also known to more and more people, and the application of RFID technology is becoming more and more extensive. Today, let’s take a look at the applications of RFID technology in temperature and humidity detection?

Fruit and vegetable preservation
After the fruits and vegetables are picked, temperature and humidity are the two most important factors to maintain the freshness of the fruits and vegetables in the transportation chain. The main part of the system is composed of single-chip microcomputer as the core, temperature and humidity sensor module, main controller and data acquisition. This system realizes the realization of temperature and humidity records for fruit and vegetable preservation.

Smart medical
Since children have a much higher risk of high fever than adults, this also causes nurses to take multiple measurements on children in one night. There is a sensory RFID tag worn on the abdomen that plays a role. Nurses can obtain the patient’s body temperature through the RFID handset, and if the temperature exceeds the set threshold, the system can automatically alarm and predict the trend of temperature changes.
Grain storage
Grain storage is an effective measure taken by the state to prevent emergencies such as wars and famines. Compared with other general wireless sensors, the RFID UHF reader has a powerful data processing function, which can realize the distributed wireless monitoring of the temperature and humidity of the grain warehouse. It has the advantages of fast speed, simultaneous reading and writing of multiple tags and long communication distance.
Electrical equipment testing
The system provides power to the wireless sensor nodes in the online monitoring system through wireless power supply, which has high security and anti-interference; through wireless radio frequency signals for non-contact information interaction and information collection, automatic identification and remote real-time temperature Monitoring and management.