Guoguang Theater Deploys RFID System to Optimize Asset Management
Since its establishment in 1995, Taiwan Guoguang Theatre Co., Ltd. has been producing Chinese operas continuously. The works are detailed, visually appealing and incorporate elements of acrobatics and kung fu. In each opera, performers are required to wear multiple sets of costumes and carry multiple props.
Guoguang Opera Troupe is known for its use of modern technology, the troupe incorporates special effects techniques into, for example, traditional opera shows. Earlier this month, the company deployed new RFID technology to manage 65,000 clothing and props assets in its warehouse. By using RFID tags and readers, companies hope to make it easier to find what they need and reduce asset loss.This asset tracking system is provided by Taiwan EPC Solutions, the system consists of an UHF RFID tag, handheld and desktopRFIDReader, several built-in reader antenna “smart rails” for hanging garments. The EPC solution software manages all the collected data, which allows companies to find items in the warehouse faster and monitor how often clothing and props are used.
Performers of Guoguang Opera Troupe need to obtain and return costume pieces, headgear, knives, swords and other props by themselves. About 300-500 props are used for each performance. In the past, the management of costumes and props has been a manual job, and warehouse managers need to enter the serial number and description of the asset in an Excel spreadsheet. When looking for props or costumes, performers need to rummage through warehouse crates to find what they need. Therefore, finding items takes a lot of time.
Also, clothing is expensive. Only a few tailors made these vintage garments. Therefore, the loss of clothing is a big burden for the company.
HM, director of the Guoguang Opera Troupe, once said that the company does not expect financial returns from this technology, and the company hopes to shorten the time it takes to find costumes and props. Zeng explained: “By deploying this system, we hope to achieve efficient management of the warehouse. We also hope to help performers shorten the time to find items.”
TH Liu, president of Taiwan EPC, said that the system greatly reduces the difficulty of locating items. RFID tags are installed on each costume or prop. L30 clothing tags are sewn into clothing buttons, EPC B-112 tags are attached to the hood, and M-203 metal tags are used to track swords and knives. The tracking of beard props is a challenge. EPC specially developed an embedded special tag M-731 for this purpose, which perfectly solved the problem. The M-731 tag is fabricated from a thin wire antenna bound to an Alien Technology Higgs4 RFID chip.
The location information of the marked items is stored in the server of the Guoguang Theater. When workers remove items, they need to scan the shelves and item labels with the Atid AT880UHF handheld reader.
In addition, warehouse managers also need to use thisReaderWarehouse inventory is carried out on a regular basis.
At the same time, the prop lending system also uses the RFID system. Each performer was handed a passive high-frequency RFID card. When the performer walks out of the warehouse entrance, the reader automatically reads the RFID card serial number. The display then runs through the items the performers need for the show.
If desired, performers may also enter the warehouse with a list of items on loan. The performer can then place the desired items into the basket. After picking the required items, the ALR-9650 desktop reader at the exit can read the ID numbers of all tags.
After the performance, performers can bring ID cards, costumes, and props to the warehouse to return the items. After receiving the clothing and props, warehouse staff need to use the reader to read the tags and wash them. Subsequently, warehouse staff also need to log in to the software to update the cleaning status of items and store shelf information.
Typically, these high-priced garments are hung on rails and stocked daily. The ALR-9650 reader and 1 meter cable are mounted on the rail. In this way, the reader can read the clothing tag information hanging under the slide and upload it to the software. When a garment is detected missing, the software alerts the management team.
Currently, the Guoguang Opera Troupe has tried the system on “Smart Mayor”. In the future, the company will also popularize it in other repertoires. Over the next three years, the company expects to have widespread use on all 65,000 items.