IC cards show their talents in large iron and steel enterprises

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In recent years, there have been reports from all over the country that “steel mice” have stolen steel from large iron and steel enterprises, causing huge losses to the country.

Nanjing Iron and Steel Group is a key enterprise group in Jiangsu Province and a large-scale iron and steel complex with comprehensive production capacity. In order to improve the automation level of Nanjing Iron and Steel’s logistics management, Nanjing Iron and Steel decided to add IC card management content in the ERP system. Nanjing Jindongnan Smart Card Co., Ltd. won the bid after strict screening and became the supplier of Nangang ERP logistics management IC card system. The IC card management system includes: certificate issuing center, access control system, metering station, unloading point and other processes.

For the incoming and outgoing cars that transport steel, first enter the material category and car number in the IC card, and the access control system will verify and release; if the scrap is sent by itself, if it passes the preliminary inspection by the purchasing department, it is allowed to enter the factory; if it fails, it will be returned to the factory. . Vehicles entering the factory shall go to the weighing room according to the designated destination for measurement, the receiving point confirms the unloading, and the vehicle leaves the factory.

The management of sales of trucks and shipments is based on the bill of lading issued by ERP to carry out sales and delivery business. First, the IC card system receives the bill of lading information issued by the ERP, the vehicle enters the factory and the card is issued at the card making point, and then goes to the weighing room to measure and write the tare weight into the IC card, and then the vehicle goes to the warehouse for loading; the shipper waits for loading. After confirmation, write the loading details of the car to the IC card system (automatically embedded and connected with the ERP system), then the car goes to the weighing room to measure the gross weight, write the gross weight information to the IC card, and the measurement process ends. The IC card provides loading details when leaving the factory.

The main business departments involved in the IC card management process are the marketing department, the supply department, the production safety department, the security department, the production plants, the mobile department, the information center and other units.

Long-term fixed carrier vehicles can be issued to long-term effective IC cards, so as to realize the informatization and automation of the logistics management of the entire factory area.



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