Internet of Things Engineering Laboratory Construction Case Application

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1. Construction background of the Internet of Things engineering laboratory

The Internet of Things, as the name suggests, is the Internet of things connected. This contains two meanings: first, the core and foundation of the Internet of Things is still the Internet, which is an extended and expanded network based on the Internet; second, its user end extends and expands to any item and item to carry out information exchange and communication.Therefore, the Internet of Things refers to the use of sensors, radio frequency identification (RFID), intelligent embedded and other technologies to enable information sensing equipment to perceive any required information in real time, and to connect through possible networks (such as based onWiFiwireless local area network, 2G/3G, etc.) access method, connect any object with the Internet, exchange and communicate information, realize the ubiquitous link between objects and objects, objects and people, and realize intelligent identification, positioning, Track, control and manage.

From “smart earth” to “perceived China”; from new economic growth points to a series of measures supported and encouraged by the government; from the national medium and long-term science and technology development plan to the research of various universities and research institutes, the Internet of Things can be seen important position in the field of science and technology today. In August 2009, Premier Wen Jiabao inspected Wuxi Internet of Things Industry Research Institute and made important instructions: Internet of Things technology is the commanding height of future technology and one of the future development directions of my country’s emerging strategic industries! The overall scale of China’s Internet of Things industry , is expected to exceed 1 trillion in 2015 and 5 trillion in 2020. There is no doubt that the state strongly supports the industrial development of the Internet of Things, and in the next four years, more than 2,000 colleges and universities will build Internet of Things laboratories to cultivate practical talents for the country. The Internet of Things is not a new technology, but a high degree of integration of various technologies such as existing sensing technology, computer network technology, communication technology and automatic control technology. Therefore, how to use the existing equipment to build an experimental environment that meets the needs of the industry will be the key to the construction of the Internet of Things laboratory.

 Second, the Internet of Things engineering laboratory construction plan

1. The core concept of laboratory construction

In the foreseeable future, the Internet of Things will surely lead another wave of the information industry revolution. As various colleges and universities, vocational education colleges and training institutions that cultivate talents in demand by the market, it is imperative to open IoT-related majors and courses, or introduce IoT technology into existing majors and build IoT-related laboratories. The Ministry of Education also issued a document expressly supporting schools to build IoT-related majors and laboratories.

The status of the Internet of Things laboratory in education is unquestionable, but at present, the development of laboratories in various schools has problems such as focusing on the cultivation of individual skills and qualities, and the practicality of experimental courses is not strong.

In response to the above problems, Guangzhou Feirui Ao Company, with the goal of “grasping the development trend and improving the application ability”, proposes a solution for the Internet of Things engineering laboratory, and its significance lies in:

Improve the level of teaching and research

Improve students’ application ability

Promote student employment

Improve school competitiveness

The three core concepts of the construction and development of Feirui’s IoT engineering laboratory are as follows:

Internet of Things Engineering Laboratory Construction Case Application

Figure 1: Core Concepts of the IoT Engineering Lab

2. Laboratory construction goals

Guangzhou Feirui Ao Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. has been committed to the Internet of Things and industrial wireless application solutions. With its solid technical foundation, strong R&D capabilities and rich industry application experience, it has launched IoT engineering laboratory solutions for educational customers. The scheme follows the principles of reliability, advancement, openness and scalability, and the overall design meets the requirements of teaching and scientific research.

Its goal is to build an IoT engineering experiment platform that integrates teaching, experimentation, innovation, experience and R&D functions.

Feirui’s IoT Engineering Lab has the following functions:

Support for basic teaching experiments

Through basic courses and professional course experiments, students can deepen their understanding of the basic theoretical knowledge of Internet of Things technology; deepen students’ understanding of the application of Internet of Things technology in different industries.

Support for comprehensive application-based experiments

Closely integrated with the development of IoT industry technology, plan and construct several IoT scenarios and experimental projects with industrial application background, stimulate students’ interest, and cultivate their comprehensive capabilities in IoT engineering technology design, application and management (electronic competition, IoT competition, graduation project design, etc.).

Open platform support for school scientific research projects

The Internet of Things integrates a variety of technologies, making new technological innovations possible due to the cross-integration and influence of multiple disciplines. The Internet of Things Engineering Laboratory will build a platform for various technologies such as radio frequency identification, wireless sensor network, communication network, middleware technology and embedded technology, providing an open environment platform support for school researchers, and for the development of specific industries. Provide technical support for applied and interdisciplinary teaching research.

Laboratory construction goals and functions

Figure 2: Laboratory construction goals and functions

3. Laboratory IoT talent training and employment

3.1 Talent training

The Internet of Things is a new type of applied discipline developed on the basis of the cross penetration and integration of computer science and technology, network engineering, electronic technology, information engineering, communication engineering and other edge sciences. The major is based on the computer professional knowledge training system, focusing on the mastery of students’ basic knowledge, the improvement of comprehensive quality and the cultivation of applied innovation ability. Based on the Internet of Things technology, research from the perception layer (including sensors, radio frequency identification, core control, etc.) to the network layer (including sensor networks, communication systems, computer networks, etc.) to the application layer related to industry and industry applications Theoretical and engineering application issues, focusing on the cultivation of practical ability and applied innovation ability. Focus on cultivating new innovative talents who can adapt to the multi-disciplinary development needs involved in the Internet of Things project, and provide urgently needed talents in development, management, and production for the development of the next-generation information technology emerging industries represented by the Internet of Things and sensor networks in my country.

Students will be trained to have good scientific literacy and good professional ethics, and be familiar with the four links of identification, perception, processing and information transmission in the Internet of Things industry chain, have considerable computer network expertise, master electronics, radio frequency identification, wireless sensor networks, Wireless communication, application software development and other related technologies. Internet of Things technical talents who can be engaged in the application and maintenance of the Internet of Things technology, as well as the technical development of the Internet of Things technology, and have both strong practical work ability and certain innovation ability. After graduation, students can be competent in the application of Internet of Things technology in intelligent transportation, environmental protection, geological disaster monitoring, government work, public safety, safe home, intelligent fire protection, industrial monitoring, personal health and other fields, and can also engage in Internet of Things. Production management and technology development in related fields.

3.2 Employment orientation and skill requirements

The technical requirements for related jobs and talents in the IoT industry are as follows:

① IoT Application Technician (Terminal Equipment Operation Technician)

Understand the basic working principle of IoT terminal equipment and master the use technology of IoT terminal equipment.

② IoT construction technician

Possess the basic knowledge of wireless network and computer network, and master the basic skills of its network formation.

③ IoT Integration Engineer (Application System Integration Technician)

Understand the architecture design of the Internet of Things system, master the basic process and skills of system debugging, and have the ability to find and modify errors in the design process.

④ IoT system administrator

Familiar with the basic skills of IoT product equipment (such as sensors), and have the ability to maintain the software and hardware installation and maintenance of IoT application systems.

⑤ IoT Sales Engineer

Familiar with the performance and parameters of various IoT devices, understand the application scenarios of IoT devices, and have strong communication skills and market awareness.

⑥ IoT development engineer

Have software development ability, be familiar with the working principles of various IoT devices, and master interface development skills.

⑦ IoT hardware engineer

Master RFID, wireless sensing, electrical circuits, embedded development capabilities, and be able to develop IoT hardware devices.

⑧ IoT industry workers

Master the electrical circuit technology and be able to produce and assemble IoT devices.

4. Technical analysis of laboratory construction

From a horizontal analysis, the main body of the Internet of Things is things (including various terminals such as people, equipment, devices, and computers), and the actions performed are connections (connections between people and things, people and people, things and things), and the core is the network (The network is the bridge of communication).

IoT Horizontal Architecture

Figure 3: IoT Horizontal Architecture

From the longitudinal analysis, the Internet of Things is constructed by three layers. They are: perception layer, network layer and application layer. Through the WiFi device server and WiFi middleware, various front-end information perception and management control terminals can access the Internet network based on the TCP/IP protocol anytime, anywhere, and realize the real comprehensive application of the Internet of Things.

IoT Vertical Architecture

Figure 4: IoT Vertical Architecture

Based on the correct analysis of the above two IoT architectures, the construction plan of Feirui’s IoT Engineering Laboratory takes “engineering” as the guiding ideology, so that students (trainees) and teachers can fully experience and understand the three levels of IoT , and truly realize the leap from technology to application by doing experiments and design training.

Internet of Things Engineering Laboratory Construction Case Application

 Figure 5: Engineering Concept

5. Overview of the laboratory construction plan

The Internet of Things engineering laboratory of Guangzhou Feirui Ao Company is comprehensively established by relying on the three levels of the Internet of Things. Its network topology is shown in the following figure:

Perception layer: It consists of wireless sensor network, radio frequency identification (RFID) devices, embedded devices, etc., which together form the front-end information collection and control terminal.

Network layer: A network that can be connected to the Internet based on the TCP/IP protocol is composed of an optical carrier wireless switching system (including optical carrier wireless switches, analog optical fibers, remote radio frequency units, WiFi device servers and Ethernet switches) and other network devices. platform.

Application layer: It is composed of background data center, remote client (such as computer, smart phone, smart tablet, etc.) and various application programs loaded in it to realize the management of front-end information and control terminal.

Through the learning and experimental operation of the three-level knowledge of the Internet of Things, a comprehensive grasp of the comprehensive application and management of the Internet of Things can be achieved.

Guangzhou Feirui Ao Company not only builds a complete set of IoT engineering laboratory equipment for schools, but also assists schools in determining the experimental content, writing relevant experimental instructions, and providing teachers training and perfect after-sales service for schools to form a complete Internet of Things experimental teaching and research system:

1) The experimental instruction book is the core part of experimental teaching, which includes the teaching purpose of each experiment, the real environment of the experiment, experimental equipment, network topology, experimental operation steps, experimental results, verification and discussion.

2) We will also assist schools to train teachers. Through systematic training, teachers can quickly familiarize themselves with relevant concepts and principles, master the configuration and debugging of relevant equipment and other technologies, understand the key points and difficulties of each experiment, and carry out experimental teaching for students in a relatively short period of time. Lessons are integrated into the teaching plan.

3) Perfect after-sales service. We provide schools with experimental equipment installation, debugging, maintenance and repair services, as well as future software upgrades, experimental content upgrades, and technical exchanges and guidance for teachers’ scientific research projects.

While planning the lab, we suggest building the lab into a small IoT application experience environment, which can intuitively represent IoT applications and stimulate students’ interest in learning.

6. Core courses and lab content

Based on the exchange experience with many schools (including those that have opened the Internet of Things-related majors and those that have not opened but have plans), Guangzhou Feiruo Company has made a full analysis of the school’s needs and teaching plans, and obtained the Internet of Things major. Twelve core courses of teaching, the Internet of Things Engineering Laboratory fully meet the school’s teaching and research needs for the Internet of Things major.

7. IoT Engineering Lab Layout Reference

Taking 30 groups of students in each class as an example, the internal layout of the laboratory is as follows:

IoT Engineering Lab Layout Reference

Figure 6: IoT Engineering Lab Layout Reference

The IoT Engineering Laboratory is divided into three functional areas, namely, the teacher’s teaching area, the student’s experiment area, and the application training and experience area.

The desktop computer for teaching in the laboratory can wirelessly access the local WiFi LAN by installing a wireless network card.

Devices and equipment (such as experimental boxes) in each area can be connected to the local WiFi local area network. Realize the ubiquitous link between objects and objects and between objects and people in the same laboratory network; at the same time, the reserved external network interface and setting permissions can realize the access, control and management of the laboratory by remote users, and realize the real connection between objects and objects.

8. Experimental Configuration

Basic technology course experiment:

3. Typical cases

1. Hefei University of Technology Joint Laboratory of Internet of Things

Hefei University of Technology is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education, a national “211 Project” key construction university and a “985 Project” advantageous discipline innovation platform construction university. At the same time, it is also one of the first batch of colleges and universities in my country to offer Internet of Things majors.

In order to meet the huge demand for talents with relevant academic qualifications or professional training in the Internet of Things in the next 5-10 years, the value of the Internet of Things training room will be enhanced. Hefei University of Technology and Guangzhou Feirui Ao Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. jointly established a professional Internet of Things training room. The goal is to jointly promote the industrialization of the Internet of Things industry and strengthen scientific research cooperation, graduate internships, and employment. The course content of the training room considers forward-looking and practicality, covering the application technologies of the Internet of Things industry such as environmental monitoring, intelligent warehousing and logistics, grid electric vehicle charging piles, etc., emphasizing the practical application ability of students.

2. More cases

2.1 IoT Lab Case

(1) Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

(2) Nanchang Institute of Technology

(3) Yanshan University

(4) Songtian College of Guangzhou University

(5) Liaoning University of Engineering and Technology

(6) Xiamen Huaxia Vocational College

(7) Guangdong Ocean University

(8) Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics


2.2 Other industry application cases

The company cooperates with the academic team of Lin Jintong, the former president of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, and the Automation Research and Development Center of Guangdong Academy of Sciences to form an industry-university-research base of the provincial academy. Reach cooperation and jointly expand industry applications.



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