SATO’s PJM RFID integration for FANTASY, the world’s leading diamond ERP system
On September 3, SATO, a leader in barcode printing, labels and Electronic Product Code (EPC)/Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) solutions, joined forces with GemBox RFID ( Sydney, Australia) jointly announced that SATO Unique (PJM)[1]RFID technology is integrated into FANTASY, the world’s largest diamond ERP system, through Rubinstein Software.
With over 200 clients used by the world’s most renowned multinational diamond cutters and dealers, Fantasy ERP is known for its highly specialized functionality for the complex inventory handling needs of the diamond industry.
GemBox RFID has designed and developed an extremely reliable RFID inventory solution using PJM RFID technology, which is now integrated into the Fantasy ERP system by Rubinstein Software. Jason Ree, CEO of GemBox RFID, said: “Counting is one of the most critical but also the most time-consuming and labor-intensive operations for all diamond manufacturers, dealers and jewelers. 100% accurate reading of tightly packed paper envelopes[2]RFID technology, but all other RFID identification systems failed to meet this environment, when I first saw PJM RFIDI knew it was a dream come true when an RF reader read 200 RFID tags in a second before my eyes and missed none.
SATO acquired Magellan Technology, the inventor of the world’s unique PJM RFID technology in December 2013, and now continues to develop and promote the same technology. Kaz Matstyama, President and CEO of SATO Holdings, said: “We are very excited to be part of the new Fantasy strategic solution. PJM RFID will bring Fantasy an unrivaled advantage, allowing users to enjoy its great new features while getting SATO High-quality localized technical services all over the world.”
Fantacy ERP’s new RFID identification modules include PJM RFID inventory solutions and PJM RFID printing solutions, which are available to new and existing Fantasy users through system updates.
[1]:PJM RFID: An RFID radio frequency identification technology that can quickly and accurately identify large quantities of closely stacked or stored tags from any physical location.
[2]: Small folded paper envelopes for holding diamonds for safe transport.
Introduction to Rubinstein Software
Israel-based Rubinstein Software was founded in 1992 and has been an integral part of the dynamic environment of the diamond industry. By installing software applications for diamond manufacturers, Rubinstein Software provides manufacturers with an end-to-end solution to keep inventory management smooth and error-free. Rubinstein Software leads the industry in inventory management, especially in the diamond industry. The company consults and services more than 200 companies in the diamond industry, provides customized software solutions for each manufacturer and dealer, and has developed the Fantasy system to meet their needs.
Introduction to GemBox RFID
GemBox is the world’s leading provider of PJM RFID inventory traceability solutions for the diamond and gemstone industry. GemBox RFID technology enables users to perform a full inventory count of thousands of gemstones in seconds with 100% reliability.
Introduction to SATO
SATO is the pioneer and leader in the comprehensive automatic identification and data collection industry. SATO applies barcode, two-dimensional code (QR) code, color code, digital watermark, and ultra-high frequency (UHF) high frequency (HF)/PJM RFID identification Technology, by integrating hardware, consumables, maintenance and application software, etc., to provide enterprises with innovative point-to-point solutions, aiming to improve customer value. SATO solutions contribute to a sustainable world by enabling higher operational efficiency and environmental protection.