The Graduate School of China University of Mining and Technology adopts Aolong Postgraduate Integrated Information Management System

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With the rapid development of postgraduate education in my country, like other colleges and universities, the scale of postgraduate education in our school has continued to expand, the number of students has continued to increase, and it has developed from running schools in one place to running schools in two places. These changes make the management tasks of the postgraduate management department more and more onerous, which not only increases the workload, but also increases the difficulty of the work. If the management is not in place, mistakes are prone to occur. These changes also put forward huge quantitative requirements and new and diverse functional requirements for the teaching management system of the graduate school. In order to meet the needs of the new situation, the management of graduate students must take the road of “standardization, informatization and networking”. Computerized educational administration is an inevitable choice for graduate schools.

 1. The necessity of establishing a new postgraduate management system

Graduate management is one of the main daily management tasks of the Graduate School, involving schools, colleges (departments), teachers, students and many other aspects. Therefore, the management of postgraduate educational affairs is a meticulous and highly accurate, but very cumbersome work. A modern postgraduate management system must operate accurately, efficiently and harmoniously to ensure the normal progress of the teaching work of the graduate school. However, with the rapid expansion of the scale of graduate schools and the continuous reform of the teaching management system, the traditional teaching management system is also facing more and more severe challenges:

1. The scale of the graduate school continues to expand, the number of majors increases, the number of students and faculty members is increasing, the school’s teaching management department needs to manage more and more affairs and data, and the workload is increasing. According to the traditional management model, only a limited number of The staff has been unable to carry out efficient management.

2. The teaching management system of the Graduate School has changed from the traditional academic year system and the academic year credit system to the comprehensive credit system. The educational management software originally prepared according to the academic year system is no longer applicable. The new credit system teaching management information system must be adopted to implement the teaching plan, students Effective management of many aspects such as student status and learning process.

3. The school’s two-site school-running model will continue to operate for a long time. The new credit system management information system must also adapt to this feature, and must be able to make full use of the rapidly developing computer network technology to ensure that the two-site school-running model can be stable, efficient and economical. run.

Therefore, with the continuous reform of the teaching system, the daily management of educational affairs has become more and more heavy and complicated. In order to make the postgraduate management work more standardized, improve the work efficiency of graduate school management, and improve the level of teaching management, it is urgent to establish a comprehensive set of comprehensive management under the new situation. Graduate Management Information System.

 Second, the new graduate management system solutions

1.General system requirements

The new postgraduate management system should meet the needs of standardization, informatization, and networking, and should be convenient, timely, safe, and practical, and be able to adapt to the development trend of higher education reform and the needs of the development of universities themselves (such as merging schools. , expanding enrollment, running schools in the two places, etc.), and adapting to the needs of foreign exchanges.

2.System platform mode selection
Among the several computer network modes used today, in view of the characteristics of the educational administration management system in colleges and universities, the content is complex, involved, and the management area is wide. ) and Web browser/server mode (Browser/Server, referred to as B/S), and the combination mode of C/S and B/S①.

Considering the particularity of the management system of the graduate school, we adopt the network platform mode combining the C/S mode and the B/S mode. The C/S mode is used in a small area, and the B/S mode is used in a wide area with relatively low security and interactivity and flexible locations. Make full use of the respective advantages of the two modes and choose different ones for different subsystems. System platform, the two modes are used in parallel. This scheme of using the two modes in parallel has many advantages over using C/S or B/S mode alone: ​​First, it can ensure the security of sensitive data, especially for database modifications and new records. operation; secondly, it can utilize campus network resources cost-effectively and simplify some client programs; thirdly, it can ensure the interactivity of complex functions and the ease of use of general functions; Network efficiency is high.

Faculty (department) academic staff access the database server placed in the Academic Affairs Office through the campus network, and remotely perform data entry, deletion, update, query and other operations; Carry out various statistical processing; part of the public information is released on the campus network and the Internet, and users can obtain the corresponding dynamic information from the database of the Academic Affairs Office through a browser. Through the campus network, teachers can directly submit grades, and students can conduct personalized comprehensive information inquiries, such as training programs, research directions, school calendar, personal training plans, tutor information interaction, personal schedules, professional programs, viewing tutors, and public schedules. , CET-4 and CET-6 exam registration, publication of papers, results inquiry, re-study application, exemption application, mid-term assessment, etc.

After many investigations, multi-party inspections, and the school’s project preparation review team, Aolong Feiteng Technology’s outstanding system understanding ability and professional cognition depth have been recognized. In terms of technical routes, development platforms, interface specifications, standards, etc. The argument was passed; Beijing Aolong Feiteng Technology finally won with a good performance-price ratio through government procurement bidding.

Aolong postgraduate management system involves the whole process management of students from admission to graduation, including student status management, two-way selection of tutors, professional training plan/personal training plan, course start/course arrangement, course selection, examination arrangement, mid-term assessment, grade management, dissertation Management, degree management and teaching quality monitoring and other links. “Postgraduate Education Information Management System” includes system tools, student management, teacher management, tutor mutual selection management, training management, course start management, course scheduling management, examination management, exemption management, performance management, quality control, teaching resource management, discipline management More than ten subsystems such as construction, degree management, web page function management, etc., are suitable for comprehensive universities and colleges that recruit graduate students, and can complete the whole process of the academic year system, the academic year credit system, and the full credit system management department for graduate students from admission to graduation. manage.

The system is a large and complex computer network information system. It adopts a browser/server (B/S) and client/server (C/S) hybrid application architecture to build a network information management system for postgraduates in colleges and universities. Management truly realizes remote office and remote office. It meets the current and future needs of various colleges and universities for the collection, storage, processing, organization, management and utilization of information resources, realizes the high integration and sharing of information resources, and realizes the centralized management and unified scheduling of information resources. Provide accurate and timely relevant information and a fast, convenient and scientific decision-making analysis and processing system for decision-making management departments at all levels; provide an efficient and fast electronic means for information exchange and educational administration; and ultimately further improve the scientific decision-making level of leaders at all levels , The purpose of improving the management level and office efficiency of graduate management departments and graduate management personnel of various departments, and reducing the workload of the system. The purpose of the system design is to let the computer do what the computer can do, and use the manual method to handle what the computer cannot do, and the teaching work can be decentralized. To decentralize as much as possible, free the work of teachers in postgraduate management units from heavy and mechanized work, and put them into actual teaching management, supervision and reform.

The system provides a comprehensive security policy and perfect user management to fully ensure data security. The system adopts the current popular C/S structure and Internet network technology, so that the entire campus network and even users on the Internet can access the system, realizing data sharing to the greatest extent.

 3. Conclusion

The new postgraduate management system covers a wide range and has strong functions, which will affect the teaching management method and may cause changes in the management system. Through practice, we believe that the establishment of a new teaching management information system is only the first step in the construction of educational management information. In order to ensure the effective operation of the system, it is particularly necessary to further do the following aspects:

1. Strengthen leadership and change ideas. Management is the foundation, concept is the key, and technology is the guarantee. Strengthening leadership is conducive to unified planning, unified command, and coordination of responsibilities.

2. Improve the overall quality of educational administrators. It is necessary to strengthen vocational knowledge and skill training for educational administrators to help them master the methods and means of modern education management. At the same time, it is also necessary to introduce some professional talents in education management and computer to enrich the teaching management team, so as to improve the overall quality of the teaching management team.

3. Establish and improve various teaching management systems. It is necessary to use the requirements of the education (teaching) management information system to formulate standardized, strict, and relatively stable teaching management rules and regulations that meet the needs of computer management, and truly realize the standardization, procedural and scientific teaching management.

4. Increase investment and update the hardware supporting facilities for educational administration management. The backwardness of educational administration hardware facilities not only constrains its own development, but also affects the enthusiasm and creativity of educational administration personnel. Therefore, in order to enable high sharing of teaching and management information resources, improve the efficiency and quality of educational administration, and mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of managers, the school must increase capital investment and update the backward postgraduate management hardware facilities as soon as possible.



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