The Internet of Things helps grass-roots judicial departments to correct community work

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As one of the two most important work directions of grass-roots judicial work, community corrections work has always faced a series of problems such as “difficulty in location inquiry, difficult inmate supervision, complicated procedures, cumbersome procedures, and difficult departmental coordination”. The Internet of Things technology has “solved” these problems easily. Jiangsu Mobile Nanjing Company has established a set of standardized and systematic community correction management comprehensive solutions through the Internet of Things and mobile information technology, in cooperation with the judicial management department, which effectively realizes the execution of outside prisons. The humanized management and supervision of prisoners has improved the management efficiency of judicial correction work.

When community corrections encounter the Internet of Things

Community correction and dispute mediation are the two most important work directions of grass-roots judicial work. They are important measures to reform my country’s judicial system and build a harmonious society. They are the exploration and practice of China’s penalty enforcement system.

The so-called community correction is to allow criminals who meet the statutory conditions to execute sentences in the community, usually minor offenders, juvenile offenders, etc. In a non-custodial state, by strengthening the education and reform of the criminals, correct the criminals’ criminal psychology and bad behavior; strengthen the help and services for the criminals, and promote their smooth return to society, including helping them find jobs or deal with minimum requirements. Life security, help them properly resolve the relationship between individuals, family and neighbors, help them build up confidence in life, correctly understand the society and treat themselves correctly, and correctly understand the contradiction between social display and subjective ability, etc.

As one of the first pilot cities in the country to carry out community corrections work, Nanjing has received a total of 11,831 corrections and a total of 8,132 corrections. Now there are 3699 people in the book. However, in actual work, there are a series of problems such as “difficulty in location inquiry, difficult supervision, complicated procedures, cumbersome procedures and difficulty in department coordination”. Effective technical means are urgently needed to effectively manage and supervise prisoners serving outside prison.

Nanjing Branch of China Mobile Communications Group Jiangsu Co., Ltd. integrates China Mobile’s advanced LBS (Location-Based Service, location-based service) positioning technology and MAS (Mobile Agent Server, mobile agent server) technology to provide a complete set of judicial management departments. A standardized and systematic comprehensive solution for community corrections management has created a mobile management platform for community corrections in Nanjing.

This comprehensive solution includes three parts: a mobile judicial and government affairs network, a community corrections mobile management information platform, and a conflict and dispute mediation supervision system. The community corrections platform is specially developed for community corrections work.

Precise positioning and dynamic monitoring

In the traditional work mode, the most important thing is to be able to talk face-to-face with community correction subjects, and many people are very disgusted with contact with the staff. In this way, it is difficult to realize the supervision of “people in charge of people”, and almost everyone in the staff has experienced a situation where the management work is neglected, the management objects are out of control, and illegal crimes are hard to prevent. The information platform using the Internet of Things technology has realized the high-precision and high-density positioning of the object to be corrected, which is equivalent to building an invisible network around the object to be supervised.

The relatively mature LBS (Location Service) and MAS (Mobile Proxy Server) technologies of Jiangsu Mobile Nanjing Branch are used to limit a certain activity space for correction objects, and to form positioning and tracking historical trajectories every hour, transforming the visible hand of correction institution supervision into The invisible limit is actually to expand the high-wall power grid of the prison to the space we want, so as to ensure that the scope of activities of the correction object can be controlled in time without going out.

This model of using technical prevention measures to supplement the lack of air defense means enhances the scientific and technological level of community corrections supervision, realizes a full-time, all-round and remote supervision work, and achieves effective prevention and control of community corrections, and also completely changes The traditional service mode of the front-line correction staff has been realized, the successful transformation of the management of various correction objects from static to dynamic has been realized, and a new growth point has been formed to improve the dynamic control ability of community correction.

The system also offers significant cost savings. According to the investigation of the community correction work in the judicial system, before the system is used, each community correction worker can supervise a maximum of 8-12 community correction prisoners, and the labor management cost of each community correction prisoner is about 500 yuan/month . After using the system, each community corrections worker can supervise at least 20 community corrections prisoners. Considering the system function fee of 50 yuan/month/person for using the system, the management cost of each community corrections prisoner is about 300 yuan/month , can save cost 200 yuan / month / person.

Informatization helps cities “smart justice”

Although the original work has accumulated a large amount of valuable community correction basic work materials, the problem of “the more in-depth the work, the more accumulated information, the more troublesome it is to inquire” often arises. This system allows them to realize the transformation of basic community work to informatization and standardized management.

The mobile information system frees the various tasks of the judicial system from cumbersome, disorderly and low-end work, and concentrates on core affairs, which improves the overall efficiency of the unit’s work and the controllability of information, and greatly reduces work costs. , improve the executive power, and make the administration of judicial and government affairs more perfect.

On the interface of the management system work platform, there are public welfare labor, situation reporting, centralized education, psychological treatment, interviews, approval for going out, scoring assessment, pre-trial investigation and risk assessment. Through the system platform, in addition to realizing the four functions of online office approval, electronic file management, data intelligent analysis, and mobile phone positioning monitoring, it can also implement regional supervision, warning notification, information interaction, and electronic files. Through the work record system on the platform, the corrections staff of the judicial office can enter various types of work information, so that various basic information of community corrections can be formed into a networked record book shared by the whole system.

The data shows that by the end of June 2010, the Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Justice had used the mobile community correction system to realize the three-level networking of judicial administrative organs of the city, districts, counties, and towns. 4,569 people were managed on the network, and none of the monitored personnel were out of control, leaked, and did not commit crimes again and again.

Based on the mobile Internet of Things technology, the “smart justice” is constructed on the basis of the mobile judicial and government special network, the community correction mobile management information platform, and the social conflict and dispute mediation mobile supervision platform. In Nanjing, the mobile supervision platform for mediation of social conflicts and disputes is also being developed and tested, and is expected to be launched before the end of 2010. The mobile informatization solution of the system will help the Nanjing judicial management department to improve the efficiency of work and the controllability of information as a whole, and also contribute to the promotion of social harmony.



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