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Document tracking management ----RFID technology can use this technology to improve users to manage some important documents, such as insurance ...
Royal Freight, a shipping and transportation company in Texas, uses a wireless location system from ID Systems to track the location and status of its ...
The Tergooi Hospital in the Netherlands uses a real-time positioning system based on wireless fidelity technology to track the injection pumps in the ...
Transportation application In densely populated and traffic congested metropolitan areas, time is often delayed due to traffic congestion. Effective ...
As a sub-project of the "863" project of the Ministry of Science and Technology, China Post launched a demonstration project of radio frequency ...
East Tennessee Technology Park (ETTP), after holding a one-year RFID pilot project-adopts a set of RFID solutions to manage and track materials, as ETTP's ...
AVIC Core Control is a technology integration company specializing in RFID application engineering. After nearly a year of hard work, it has recently ...
Intelligent management communication platform for bus rapid transit (BRT) system customer A system integrator in Taipei Market demand ...
Exploring the application of radio frequency tags (RFID) in mobile base station equipment management
"Resilient network construction" that closely cooperates with market changes is the focus of mobile operators' communication network construction; network ...
I. Introduction In March 2010, at the Third Session of the Eleventh National People's Congress, then Premier Wen Jiabao specifically emphasized in the ...