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当前,数字化转型已经渗入到各行各业。人们日常的衣食住行、工作生活、生产服务等方方面面,都成为了数字化的场景。 你可以使用蓝牙音响与手机连接,播放音乐。可以让扫地机器人自动为你清洁地板,可以用智能手环监测你的健康状况,案例太多,不一而足。 ...
The construction of a digital city is a complex systematic project involving government affairs, public utilities, transportation, communities and other ...
After a severe summer thunderstorm, the defects in the existing milk transportation system and truck delivery system were exposed, so the founder of Hansa ...
User background With the development of social economy, people have higher requirements for the quality of life, especially the safety of animal food, ...
With the rapid development of national economic construction, various industries have increasingly demanded resources such as coal and metals, and the ...
With the massive improvement of living standards and the increasing diversification of household appliances, ensuring the safe use of electricity has always ...
The first China Youth Games using RFID ticket system was successfully completed. The predecessor of the Youth Games is the National Urban Games. It is a ...
Introduction RFID consists of a reader and an electronic tag (Tag). RFID radio frequency identification technology is a wireless, non-contact ...
The original electronic patrol system imported from the United States Videx is used to realize the patrol management of 600 unmanned base stations. ...
Case background: The LEGO company (LEGO) was founded in Denmark and has a history of 80 years of development. LEGO bricks are popular all over the world ...