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"RFID animal traceability management system" mainly realizes the various aspects of breeding enterprises in the breeding production process (entry, daily ...
System Overview The KJ280 underground high-precision personnel positioning system is an information technology product integrating computer software and ...
The operating room of the hospital is one of the busiest and most important departments. Every operation affects the hearts of many medical staff and ...
In 2014, Anfodi's 125KHz+433MHz dual-frequency RFID series products were successfully designed and successfully mass-produced and applied, marking Anfodi's ...
Wireless virtual keys have completely changed the way vehicles are connected, but they are far from foolproof. As early as 2012, researchers discovered ...
The breakfast project involves thousands of households, and how to ensure the safety of breakfast food is of utmost importance. At present, mobile breakfast ...
Project background In order to facilitate the management of seedlings at the source in a large garden, the seedling production base implements segmented ...
Some airlines have tried passenger baggage tracking and notification many years ago. A long time ago, the form of baggage tags was coded barcodes. United ...
1. System significance 1) Long-distance sensing enables vehicles to enter and exit the fire brigade park quickly without stopping 2) Real-time ...
A few days ago, the effect has been very obvious since Xuzhou City. This solution is an innovation of traditional smart parking technology, relying on ...