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In the global circulation of goods, containers are used as carriers for transportation from all over the world, especially sea containers. Container ...
Nowadays, with the rapid development of e-commerce and the Internet of Things, the traditional warehouse management model can no longer meet the modern ...
As a technology that has attracted much attention at present, the Internet of Things technology is applied in various industries in many aspects, and has a ...
As the saying goes, if you want to be good at work, you must first sharpen your tools. Tool management is a very important part of the manufacturing ...
1. Project background As we all know, China is the world’s largest clothing consumer and producer. With the rapid development of China’s economy and its ...
The feasibility of using RFID fusion sensing technology for blood management The general flow of blood management business is: blood donation ...
Ticketing integration system 1. Ticket intelligent management system software Inventory management system, ticketing management system, ticket ...
Chocolate production is a complex process with multiple stages. Winkler und Dünnebier Sü●warenmaschinen GmbH (WDS) therefore decided to introduce RFID as ...
1 background introduction Since 2003, China has begun to apply advanced RFID radio frequency identification technology to modern pig slaughter and ...
In the past five years, the Pyhasalmi mine in Finland has been using passive high-frequency RFID tags to record the entry and exit of employees to ensure ...