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In the era of the Internet of Everything, all walks of life are relying on the Internet of Things technology to "match bridges." The RFID technology at the ...
The use of RFID plays an important role in the identification and management of clothing. UHF RFID technology is used to realize the efficient management of ...
1 Introduction Due to the limitations of technology and objective conditions, hospitals have adopted various measures for a long time and have not been able ...
The parking lot is managed by RFID technology. When the vehicle is not parked, it can quickly perform intelligent identification and management of incoming ...
Nowadays, consumers have higher requirements for comprehensive food information-all information including manufacturers, processing methods and ingredients ...
With the application of RFID technology in many fields such as industry, medical treatment, and asset management. RFID technology has also been adopted in ...
Strengthening the management of the use of miner’s lamps in coal mines, including the management of mining equipment storage sites, maintenance locations, ...
Fixed assets are difficult to manage due to their large number, wide distribution, and frequent changes, and they have always been a major focus of ...
1 background NFC (NearFieldCommunicaTIon), that is, near field communication technology. It is in line with RFID (RadioFrequencyIdenTIficaTIon) and is ...
With the improvement of living standards, the number of vehicles is increasing, and there are more and more family cars, and the management of vehicles has ...