In-depth analysis of the RFID WMS warehouse management solution in the warehouse logistics application of an automobile company

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This time, the Little Bee Smart WMS team shared with you the application of RFID technology-based solutions in the warehouse management of a third-party logistics supply chain. It will serve the RFID warehouse management project of a third-party warehouse center of a large automobile company. Illustrate for an example. RFID is a very core technology of the Internet of Things. It is listed as one of the ten greatest technologies in the 21st century and is most widely used in the warehousing and logistics supply chain. As a supplier of RFID solutions, according to our understanding and project experience, technology is closely related to customer needs, business processes, and on-site environment. There are a lot of things to pay attention to.

Customer background and service profile

The project introduced this time is the use of RFID technology in the process of the supply chain of auto parts. Its core is to improve efficiency in the warehouse management system. It also pays great attention to the service to suppliers in the supply chain and the integration of production. . At that time, the main challenge was that the characteristics and applications of RFID were not very in-depth understanding, such as accuracy, misreading rate, and business efficiency. There are also issues of integration with business processes, process reengineering of RFID links, and reverse logistics.

In addition, the current information flow is mainly based on the production plan, and there are many information asymmetry problems in each process. We need to connect our WMS and Sap systems to realize real-time dynamic management of all links.

In the project, the customer emphasized that their focus is on the application. The customer has seen the case of RFID management of Dongfeng Nissan and Toyota Warehouse Management, and has high requirements for the project. At that time, the customer also looked for two hardware suppliers in the industry (both listed companies), but they were not ideal. Customers also emphasized that they are not spending millions to buy equipment, and the supplier will be fine after the equipment is provided. They are concerned about the overall solution and service.

In fact, this is the official positioning of our Little Bee Company, but it is also a challenge for us to encounter such a large and complex project. We know that this kind of project needs to communicate with customers in many ways, and has to be tested and witnessed. At that time, when we visited for the first time, we brought various types of RFID reading and writing equipment and tags, and tested them on the spot to explain and communicate with customers.


Let’s get to know the following RFID technology first. If you want to know more about it, you can contact me to get a complete RFID-related knowledge manual compiled by ourselves and its application in various industries. The following is a brief introduction to the application in warehousing.

In-depth analysis of the RFID WMS warehouse management solution in the warehouse logistics application of an automobile company

The above picture is the most basic part of the RFID system. The radio signal identifies a specific target and reads and writes related data, without the need to establish mechanical or optical contact between the identification system and the specific target. The equipment is mainly divided into fixed RFID readers, handheld RFID readers, mobile RFID readers, and RFID antennas. Generally, mobile device antennas are integrated into the device. In the storage of fixed type, a fixed reader is used to connect multiple RFID antennas. There are also RFID electronic tags composed of chips, coils, and packaging materials, available in various sizes and materials.

The application of RFID technology in storage is generally the applied UHF RFID electronic tags. If positioning is required, the active tags are generally used, which are costly and complicated. The above figure mainly introduces the UHF RFID electronic tags, which are explained in conjunction with the storage environment and industry applications.

RFID can be installed in any place you need to install in the warehouse. There are mainly fixed readers and antennas installed at the entrance and exit gates. The antenna is the medium for communicating with the tag. Generally, two to four antennas are installed separately in different directions. To ensure the reading rate, mobile RFID readers (internal integrated antennas) are installed on forklifts and pallet trucks to communicate through wireless; RFID mobile handheld devices are often used in inventory, shifting, and tallying in warehouse operations. The installation and deployment of RFID need to consider the site environment, the space environment, whether there are obstructions and shields, height, angle, etc. all need to be designed.

In-depth analysis of the RFID WMS warehouse management solution in the warehouse logistics application of an automobile company

The project involves a wide range of fields, the business process is relatively complex, and production, transportation, and warehousing must be coordinated. The transmission of information flow is mainly based on the production plan. At present, there are many information asymmetry problems in each process, and there are also information lags. Realize real-time dynamic, visual and modern management.

Customers attach great importance to the supplier’s service and key link management and control, which requires efficient collaboration and information sharing with suppliers. Suppliers can also use RFID technology for management, so that RFID is applied from the source, and subsequent RFID tags are the only identification The subsequent business process will be more efficient.

In-depth analysis of the RFID WMS warehouse management solution in the warehouse logistics application of an automobile company

In the supplier part, RFID technology needs to be integrated into the outbound process, and every physical operation from the outbound plan to loading needs to be standardized and confirmed to achieve standardized warehouse management. Among them, forklift mobile RFID readers and fixed RFID readers are used.

Customer suppliers are divided into two types: far and near. The far one is to go to the storage center first, then to the production warehouse, use the Sap system for information interaction, production plans, and send to the storage center, and then the storage center will stock up, and the nearby suppliers It is directly to the production warehouse.

Vehicle on-the-go management monitors truck operation through GPS technology of the TMS system, and takes corresponding countermeasures when jams and special circumstances occur. Before arriving at the factory, the LED informs the unloading location in advance, and the unloading location is allocated according to the different types of goods and the location of the goods stored in the warehouse. The unloading time of vehicles should also be managed. If the time is exceeded, there is an alarm mechanism to coordinate the unloading of subsequent vehicles.

In-depth analysis of the RFID WMS warehouse management solution in the warehouse logistics application of an automobile company

RFID technology is also used in warehouses in storage centers and production line warehouses. RFID scans are carried out during the in and out of the business process, inventory, return, and transfer, etc., and confirmations are performed at locations such as storage locations and exit gates.

RFID tags are used as unique identifiers for pallets, boxes and other containers and individual goods to be identified. Different materials, types of goods and containers require different types of RFID tags. For example, metal goods and shelves require anti-metal tags. The detailed process and implementation deployment key points are inconvenient to describe here. Generally speaking, it is necessary to design according to local conditions according to different working conditions.

The construction of this project system is a very comprehensive project. In addition to the WMS and TMS software systems of the supply chain, the core radio frequency identification technology (RFID), there are also technologies to be applied in many aspects, such as software, mobile Internet, sensor network, and positioning. , Video capture, etc., is a highly integrated project in breadth and depth. Regarding the system architecture, please refer to the following pair of topology diagrams and hierarchical system structure diagrams.

In-depth analysis of the RFID WMS warehouse management solution in the warehouse logistics application of an automobile company

In Smart WMS-RFID life cycle management services, we focus on customer efficiency and cost, and provide you with a full range of guarantees during the process of building, importing and using warehouse management systems. In the entire life cycle of Smart WMS delivery, from planning to design, evaluation to implementation, continuous operation and follow-up support, we provide specialized services to ensure that every element of the solution is executed smoothly, so as to ensure that you achieve your desired goals .



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