Gaote RFID Traceability System Succeeds in the “Reliable Meat” Project

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The current food safety issues are increasingly concerned by consumers, and the meat safety issues that occur from time to time have become a hot spot of concern to the whole society. The administrative departments of various provinces and cities are facing severe meat supervision responsibilities. In order to optimize the layout of the slaughter industry, establish a sound supervision system, build a slaughter supervision and meat quality information traceability system, strengthen law enforcement capabilities, improve meat product quality and safety assurance capabilities and the overall level of the industry, following Beijing’s first launch of the “Safe Meat” project safety After the construction of the traceability system, Shanghai, Wuxi, Nanjing and other regions successively began to popularize the RFID “Reliable Meat” project, using radio frequency technology (RFID) Labeling live pigs and pork to ensure transparency of information from breeding, slaughtering, processing, transportation to retail, so that when an epidemic or food safety accident occurs, it can be traced to the source in time and dealt with quickly, which will contribute to food safety in the Yangtze River Delta region. A strong and tight firewall.

Meat supervision not only involves many links such as production, processing, transportation, warehousing and distribution, but also the monitoring and management of logistics companies and transportation vehicles. This requires that the “rest assured meat” safety management system can be implemented in real time during the flow. Monitoring can facilitate information collection, transmission, summary, and query. Combining these factors, a meat supervision system based on RFID technology is an ideal choice. Through the response back-end information system, the epidemic prevention and product quality inspection departments can supervise the livestock species and feed, epidemic prevention and quarantine throughout the entire process. At the same time, consumers can also inquire about all the information on breeding, slaughter, and circulation through the computer, so that they can really eat “rest assured meat.”

system introduction

Combining with the specific indicators of the Ministry of Commerce’s “Safe Meat” project, Gaote is able to assess the three major systems in the “Safe Meat” project-the slaughter supervision support system and the safety of meat quality.Traceability system, Meat cold chain management system provides a complete software and hardware solutions.

Gaote’s “Safe Meat” safety management system is for the management of farms, designated slaughterhouses, cold chain transportation links, meat wholesale markets, meat stalls in farmer’s markets, large supermarkets and hypermarkets, catering companies and designated sites in the management area. The quality and safety traceability system of the unit’s livestock and meat products. It uses the RFID electronic tags bound to livestock and meat products to associate with the different IC identity card information of various business users in the supply chain, and uploads the flow direction changes of the meat products in the supply chain to the central database in real time through wireless transmission technology. Business users can access the daily business data stored in the government data center at any time by logging into the platform system according to their authority, and various government business departments can also implement online supervision of all links in the supply chain according to their own jurisdictions to ensure the safety of meat products. A good technical support means.

Operation process

Meat products from breeding to sales mainly include the following links: breeding, slaughter, wholesale or retail. This solution starts from the pig breeding link, through the real-time information binding of different forms of RFID pork tags and RFID identity cards of supply chain business personnel, and automatically links quality information and data upload to the downstream wholesale and retail links through mobile wireless communication technology. Download, to realize the forward tracking of related information from pig breeding to the meat retail terminal, and at the same time to realize the reverse traceability of the relevant information from the meat retail terminal to pig breeding.

Gaote RFID Traceability System Succeeds in the

Breeding link

Live pig breeding is divided into different stages such as breeding, pregnancy, waiting for birth, piglets, and commercial pigs. After piglets are released from the slaughter, RFID electronic ear tags will be worn, and the information of the piglets’ ancestors will be associated with the electronic ear tags. During the breeding process, the breeder will pass the RFID The handheld device writes the feed information, epidemic prevention information, medication information, and environmental information of sows, piglets, and finished pigs on the RFID electronic ear tags of pig ears, and uploads them to the food safety platform data center through wireless communication GPRS/3G, and Establish complete individual pig breeding files in the government data center.


When pigs arrive at the factory, they must first check the territory animal quarantine certificate or place of origin quarantine certificate, disinfection certificate, immunization card, and establish pig slaughter files, and then carry out pig slaughter and finished product inspection. Qualified pork white strips are bound with radio frequency identification traceability tags, and the pork code obtained by the radio frequency identification channel at the factory is automatically associated with the RFID identity card information of the downstream seller obtained by the RFID traceability integrated machine. At the same time, the all-in-one machine is also connected with the electronic scale to obtain the weight, and the all-in-one machine prints the meat product transaction voucher with the traceability system. The traceability code, weight, downstream buyers and other information of the batch of ex-factory meat products are uploaded to the government traceability supervision system at the same time. Each piece of pork corresponds to a unique merchant or operator, realizing the information link between pigs entering the factory and white strips leaving the factory during the slaughter process.

Wholesale link

The pork with traceability information arrives at the wholesale market after transportation, and enters the sliding rail trading system for wholesale after going through the admission procedures and passing the inspection. In the sliding rail trading system, the UHF reader reads the traceability label of the pig white strips and automatically associates it with the sliding rail hook information read by the high frequency reader. After weighing, it associates the information of upstream and downstream operators and prints it. Transaction certificate. Downstream sellers, group buying units and individuals obtain wholesale market transaction vouchers at the live pig wholesale market. The transaction information of the suppliers and sellers that are transacted here enters the government data supervision center.

Retail link

Retail terminal-farmer’s market

Gaote RFID Traceability System Succeeds in the

It is sold at retail terminals such as farmers’ markets and convenience butchers. The special electronic scales equipped by farmers’ market operators have the function of reading RFID tags and processing traceable information. After reading the RFID tag data, each piece of cut pork is weighed. , Its printed sales receipts can be marked with the pork identification code, and at the same time, each weighing data is uploaded to the server of each farmer’s market management party, and then uploaded to the government data center in real time via the Internet.

Circulation terminal-supermarket hypermarkets, direct pork stores

The combined application of patented segmentation and traceability all-in-one machines, in-store traceability all-in-one machines, or MINI-type in-store traceability all-in-one machines in supermarket hypermarkets can easily connect with government data center information for filing, and at the same time transform RFID pork tags into low-cost two-dimensional Code stickers are provided to consumers as retail traceability certificates.

Pork direct-operated stores cut white strips of meat on-site and placed them on shelves for consumers to choose freely. The traceability integrated machine can read the pork label and print out the self-adhesive traceability certificate and provide it to consumers. Under the condition that the all-in-one machine has the Internet, the government supervision platform market management party and the slaughter enterprise monitoring center can check the sales status of each store in real time, which is convenient for enterprises to quickly replenish goods or adjust products in the same city in similar stores.

Traceability and supervision

Gaote RFID Traceability System Succeeds in the

In the pork product transaction process, the operator or the final consumer will obtain the raw pork product traceability label, which includes the traceability code. Operators or consumers can enter the traceability code of raw pork products through self-service query terminals, the Internet, query telephones, text messages, etc., and perform quality information retrospective query, and then they can learn about the pork breeding site, slaughter processing site, inspection and quarantine information.

Under the three-level business management platform of provinces, cities, districts and counties that share a data center, staff of government departments such as commerce, agriculture committee, industry and commerce, quality inspection, health and other government departments can access the system through the Internet at any time according to their respective permissions to view the operating status of the entire process And related to the situation of pig products related to this department. Each market organizer under the jurisdiction of the industrial and commercial department is equipped with RFID inspection handsets to conduct inspections of pork entering the market, on-site inspection of RFID tags to read back-end data, and then compare the merchant’s meat transaction vouchers and “two chapters and one certificate”, etc. The paper-based procedures should be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Commerce to ensure that the three “single card certificates” go together to prevent pork that does not meet the standards from entering the circulation market.

As a cutting-edge enterprise in the RFID industry of the Internet of Things, Gaote provides reliable RFID tags and reading and writing equipment for the “slaughter supervision technology system” and “meat circulation supervision system” of the “Reliable Meat” project with its own strong RFID technology. Successfully assisted the “Reliable Meat” project in Nanjing, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Wuxi and other cities in the Yangtze River Delta. Based on the Yangtze River Delta, the company is committed to benefiting the whole country with the “Reliable Meat” project, and providing high-tech tools to ensure China’s food safety.



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