Passive RFID fixed asset management system application case

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1. System overview

The automatic identification management system of fixed assets is a practical management software with the characteristics of physical management and the purpose of simplifying complexity. The fixed asset automatic identification management system uses radio frequency technology to solve the problems of enterprises that often occur in the management of fixed assets that are inconsistent with financial accounts, so that the management of the enterprise is orderly and the accounts are consistent.

In view of the cumbersome calculation of depreciation of fixed assets, the average depreciation method is used to quickly complete the depreciation calculation of fixed assets, and the calculation results are accurate.

Using high-efficiency data transmission technology and unique rights management concepts, business leaders can understand the overall situation of all fixed assets of the company while sitting in the office.

Since the system was put on the market, with its simple method of use and accurate calculation results, it has received unanimous praise from users. It has also been recognized by professionals for its operational safety and technological advancement, and it is more convenient and accurate. The query function has been appreciated by business leaders.

Users generally report that it took several months for dozens of peopleRFID World NetThe inventory work of assets can now be easily completed by a few people in a few days; the original tedious depreciation calculation work took a few days, and now it can be accurately completed in a few seconds; the original large number of repeated purchases and a large amount of idle waste Now it can be solved in time, so that enterprises can truly realize the principle of strict economy.

To sum up, the fixed asset automatic identification management system has increased the work efficiency of enterprises dozens of times, and at the same time has greatly increased the efficiency of the enterprise and reduced the cost of the enterprise. The fixed asset automatic identification management system is definitely a good helper for business management.

2. System introduction

Fixed asset management is an important part of enterprise management. Fixed assets have the characteristics of high value, long service life, and difficult management. In response to these problems, this system uses computer and radio frequency data acquisition technology to realize the information management of fixed assets.

1. System advantages

Powerful and practical functions;

Advanced radio frequency technology management methods;

Efficient network and remote data transmission; (network version)

Unique authority management;

Friendly user interface, easy to learn.

2. System Features

1) Powerful and practical functions

The fixed asset management system includes asset addition, change, scrapping, damage, depreciation, lending, return, allocation and use department, change of use department, management staff setting, asset exchange between departments, various report printing, combination query, etc. For each fixed asset, you can check out all the information of the asset from the purchase, entry, put into use, use department, depreciation, and even withdrawal from use, which can be recorded in detail. The dynamic query function can ensure that managers have comprehensive information at the first time, and the batch depreciation of assets can reduce a large amount of repetitive labor and ensure the accuracy of data. Automatic report preparation and printing are fast and accurate, which can save a lot of time for manual preparation of reports.The fixed asset management system centralizes the original scattered management information and combines them into a management platform with overall functions

2) Advanced radio frequency card management method

After the relevant data of each newly purchased asset is entered into the computer, the information will be written into the radio frequency card according to the corresponding software. The content of the radio frequency card can be set by the user, including the name of the fixed asset, the date of purchase, and the custody (using department) And other content.Attaching the radio frequency card to the physical objects of fixed assets not only clearly distinguishes the use sectors of fixed assets, but also brings great convenience to the inventory. Radio frequency counting machine on fixed assetsRFIDThe card is read, and the information in the card is automatically stored in the radio frequency counting machine.

Passive RFID fixed asset management system application case

The radio frequency counting machine is similar to the one used in supermarkets, but there is a great difference. This kind of radio frequency counting machine is battery-powered and does not need to be connected by wires. The information is stored in the radio frequency counting machine. The inventory machine can store nearly 20,000 fixed asset codes, which increases the inventory speed by more than 90%, and at the same time avoids repeated inventory or wrong inventory. After reading the radio frequency card information, connect the radio frequency counting machine to the computer through the computer to quickly obtain the actual situation of the assets, and through the combination query, you can immediately find the changes in the profit and loss of the assets. In addition, the inventory information can be uploaded to the server in real time via wireless networks such as Wifi;

3) Efficient data transmission

The fixed asset management system can not only query the status of fixed assets on this machine, but also realize two-way transmission through the intranet and the Internet, so that various information and data can be shared by other users at the same time. (Online version only)

4) Unique authority management

In the fixed asset management system, the different responsibilities of each operator are fully taken into account, and the corresponding operation authority is formulated for each operator. Through the identification of the user’s identity and password, it is ensured that different operators can only perform within the scope of their duties. Limited operations. This not only ensures the stability of the system, but also has a certain degree of flexibility to strengthen adaptability.

5) Friendly user interface, easy to learn

It adopts the style of the Windows interface and is convenient for users to use, and a large amount of the style of the directory tree in Windows is used, so that users can clearly understand the relationship between the department’s subordinates and subordinates, the category of assets, and the content. A large number of function prompts enable users to smoothly complete corresponding tasks step by step as required, and reasonable menu layout enables users to easily find out what they want to perform. A large amount of comprehensive data appears in the form of reports and graphs, which can make it easier for users to understand and accept. Those engaged in fixed asset management only need to master basic computer use knowledge and carefully read the operating instructions to master the general operation of the system in a short period of time.

Three, user examples

Before a domestic bank used the fixed asset management system, the fixed assets of the whole system, including the head office, 86 branches, thousands of sub-branches, and tens of thousands of savings houses, were mainly managed by manual accounting. High work intensity, cumbersome affairs, inconvenient information query, and scattered management have brought many inconveniences to internal control management. The following is a comparison of the specific situation before and after using the fixed asset management system.

1) Registration and inventory work

The general affairs department purchases fixed assets according to the higher-level fixed asset purchase approval form. For each fixed asset, a card account must be registered, indicating the number, value, and receiving department of the fixed asset, and then register according to the card account. Keep the account and paste a uniform number on each fixed asset to facilitate verification. The fixed assets must be depreciated at the end of each month, and the account book needs to be registered for depreciation. This kind of work is highly repetitive, the number of account cards is huge, errors often occur in specific work, and it takes a long time and takes up a lot of staff time. There are many reports that need to be prepared. For each department, a fixed asset record table must be prepared. Various calculation formulas are different. Generally, the preparation of a report requires extracting data from the account book, and often requires summary, calculation, filling, and verification. It takes a day or more and the accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This has always been a big problem for the general affairs department.

Take the Bank of Communications as an example. At the end of each year, each branch checks the assets of its sub-branches, branch offices, and savings houses. A working group of 20-30 people is required to take inventory. It often costs tens of thousands of fixed assets. It will take a few months for the basic inventory to be clear. The head office also conducts asset inspections on branches. Generally, only spot checks can be used. Because the scope of spot checks is relatively narrow and the data obtained is not reliable, it cannot fully and accurately reflect the actual asset ownership of each branch and sub-branch. The work cannot achieve the control effect it should have. The shortage and loss of assets cannot be detected at all, and the amount of information reflected in the data obtained is quite limited. You can only roughly know whether the asset exists and its value, but the current use department, the previous use department, and the useful life of the asset Such related information is difficult to obtain, let alone obtain comprehensive statistical analysis data.

After using this system, the unified management of fixed assets of the whole bank is realized. The head office can grasp the usage of fixed assets of the whole bank in real time. Each branch and sub-branch must register in time after purchasing each asset and print the barcode. At this time, the head office or the upper-level branch of the branch can track the purchase of assets in the computer, and the asset purchases of one or more branches or even all branches can be learned through combined query. Every year, the head office can first find out possible problems through inquiries on branches, superior banks and subordinate banks, and organize specialized personnel to carry out the inventory, so as to achieve strong pertinence. Through statistical analysis in the fixed asset management system Function, you can easily understand the changes in the fixed assets of the subordinate banks, and investigate the root cause of the problem in time. For example, querying the annual changes of a bank’s fixed assets can not only grasp the total asset growth and percentage, but also refine the changes of one type of asset and one type of asset. These tasks often take several weeks to perform in manual mode. After heavy calculation work, the required information can be obtained. For any piece of asset, the head office can inquire about all its information, including the time of purchase, value, value after depreciation, bank of use, department of use, custodian, and transfer of all assets, etc. All relevant information, in order to strengthen supervision, The clarification of responsibilities played a huge role.

2) Depreciation of fixed assets

The value of fixed assets is accrued every month as a current expense. Therefore, no depreciation of fixed assets is calculated every month. It is not difficult from the difficulty of work. The problem lies in the large number of fixed assets. Every asset is There are corresponding cards. The fixed assets of any branch have at least tens of thousands of asset cards, and the useful life of different assets is different, and the depreciation methods are also different. In the processing of depreciation work, it is often necessary to register several thick stacks of books and cards, and the workload can be imagined. Especially this kind of repetitive and tedious work will produce inevitable errors, leading to distortion of the information reflected in the relevant reports.

After using the fixed asset management system, you can select the useful life and depreciation method for each asset you purchase. By the end of each month, you only need to input the inventory results to the computer through the radio frequency inventory machine. If the asset is found, you can perform depreciation work. The staff will be reminded if missing or surplus is found. The depreciation work only needs to go through a simple screen operation, and easily click the mouse to complete the work that requires a lot of people and weeks to complete under manual operation in a few minutes, and the accuracy of the depreciation calculation is fully guaranteed.

Fourth, realize the function

Analyzing user needs, we believe that this system should have the following functions:

1. Daily asset management functions

It mainly includes the daily work of adding, modifying, exiting, transferring, deleting, and splitting fixed assets to calculate the depreciation rate and residual value rate.

2. Depreciation of assets

Including the provision of monthly depreciation of fixed assets and printing of monthly depreciation reports.

3. Monthly Fixed Assets Report

Query classified statistical monthly (annual) reports according to conditions such as unit, department, time, etc., increase fixed assets monthly report this month, decrease fixed assets monthly report this month, fixed asset depreciation monthly report (annual report), and provide printing functions.

4. Comprehensive Query of Fixed Assets

You can query the status of a single or a batch of fixed assets. The query conditions include asset cards, custody status, effective asset information, department asset statistics, exit assets, transferred assets, historical assets, name specifications, start and end dates, unit or Department.

5. Inventory function

Check the data in the radio frequency counting machine with the data in the database, and process normal or abnormal data to get the actual situation of fixed assets, and generate inventory profit schedule and inventory loss schedule by unit and department , Inventory summary table.

6. System maintenance function

The system administrator will perform the asset classification code table, exit method code table, purchase method code table, storage place code table, department code table, custodian table, and unit name table. Perform operations such as adding, modifying, and deleting;

Provide the operator with the function of modifying his own password;

The system administrator can freely set the operation authority of each subordinate operator for the function.

7. Security management function

Provide various security management methods;

Password management function: maintain account numbers and passwords;

Authority control function: divide users into different levels to determine the user’s authority to use the system, and determine different operations according to different authority.



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