Ice cream shops use RFID tags to identify different flavors of ice cream

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Located in St. Paul, Minnesota, Izzy’s Ice Cream CafĂ© uses RFID technology to notify customers of the various flavors of ice cream discharged in the store in real time.

This store has a total of more than 100 flavors of ice cream, but only 32 of them are prepared at any time in the store. The ice cream freezer is equipped with an RFID reader, which can read the instruction label with the RFID chip embedded in each flavor.

By using RFID chips, users can check the latest flavors of ice cream on the website in time

Read the tags 22 times per second and send the information to a system that automatically updates the Izzy website so that customers can learn about the relevant information without having to visit the store.

This system also displays color dots on a TV on the wall or behind the counter in the store, allowing customers to see the various flavors in the store at a glance.

When employees put a new flavor in the freezer, they also place an RFID tag corresponding to the flavor in front of the ice cream bucket.

When the store launches a new flavor of ice cream, customers who have pre-registered for the flavor will receive an email notification as soon as possible, followed by a text message, and Izzy will also send updated information to the Facebook page and Twitter account.



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