Lu Guo Bifeng Middle School benefits from fixed asset management
New Life Education Association Lu Guo Bifeng Middle School is a cooperative education school with 1,100 students and 100 faculty members. Valuable items such as laptops and laboratory equipment in the school are used very frequently, and they are often moved to different locations for use. The method of managing inventory through paper records is obviously no longer applicable. Therefore, the school invited Xinghua Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd. to provide a more effective and accurate asset management plan.
Develop a set of user-centric solutions for schools to improve the efficiency of asset tracking and inventory management.
Xinghua has developed a simple and flexible RFID asset tracking system, installed EPC Gen2 passive tags on assets, equipped with 2 UHF RFID handheld readers and a mobile tracking software.
School administrators found that the time and manpower spent on inventory control dropped significantly by about 20%. The radio frequency identification system integrates information originally recorded through paper statistics into a computer database, so that teachers and other faculty and staff can obtain suitable teaching tools at any time when they need it.
1) Reduce the workload of administrative management. The work that originally required 10 teachers to complete together now only requires 2 engineers
2) Simplify the work process
3) Speed up inventory counting, reduce the time for counting and data sorting from 3 weeks to 1 week
4) Real-time inventory control
5) Improve the accuracy and data integrity, the accuracy is increased from 90% to 99.9%
“We found that it is particularly useful for small items that are scattered. We now attach tags to almost every item that needs to be recorded for financial auditing.”-IT Executive
“The time and manpower spent on inventory control has dropped significantly by about 20%”-school administrator
On November 10, 2009, won the “2009 Hong Kong Radio Frequency Identification Award” issued by the Hong Kong Commodity Numbering Association, an outstanding innovation leader in the business world