Digital Angel delivers the first batch of RFID tags to Canadian livestock identification users
Digital Angel, a technology company that provides fast and accurate identification, location tracking, and high-value equipment condition monitoring, has announced that it has begun shipping proprietary electronic tags to Canadian farmers.
It is reported that the Canadian distributor Compass Animal Health ordered more than 200,000 electronic tags from digital Angel in accordance with the requirements of the national livestock set-aside program just announced by the Canadian government. Digital Angel is one of the four major companies authorized by the Canadian Livestock Identification Association (CCIA) to provide RFID tags and readers for livestock ears for the Canadian Beef Cattle Reserve Program (Set-Aside Program). This project is due to the fact that the United States banned the import of beef cattle from affected areas after the outbreak of the plague. In order to wait until the ban was stopped, the Canadian government provided subsidies for farmers to extend the feeding period. According to the terms of the project, only the livestock equipped with authorized electronic tags can farmers be eligible for funding.
The CEO of Digital Angel said: “This is just the beginning. We will have a huge market in Canada in the future. The Canadian government has recognized the necessity of electronic tags and RFID for livestock tracking in Canada.”