New York State tests UHF tags to identify reindeer
The government’s farms that domesticate reindeer and elk will try out UHF readers and tags to identify and count their livestock, and hope to control the spread of diseases as much as possible
RFID World News, the New York State Department of Agriculture will soon conduct an RFID project test, the project will use UHF tags to identify the government’s reindeer and elk. The ultimate goal is to track the total number of deer family and better trace and control the spread of CWD chronic diseases. The project will use a radio frequency system with a frequency of 915MHz provided by Advanced ID, so that the distance to read the tag on the deer can reach 2 meters (8 feet).
There are about 400 deer farms in New York, and the number of deer stocked reaches 10,000. The government requires all farmers to count the number of herds once a year. This kind of work can be easily done on a small farm through visible labels or barcodes, but these visible signs will become dirty and dirty due to the wind and sun. Blurred, it will be difficult to read correctly afterwards. According to Barry, CEO of Advanced ID, RFID can solve the above problems and make statistics faster and more accurate.
Advanced ID is a company that provides animal tracking systems. Before, they also provided low-frequency 134Khz tags and systems, but the low-frequency system has a very small reading distance, which can only be 15-18 inches. Such a short distance requires them to enter a chute when reading deer, which is very inconvenient. Barcodes and visible labels will also encounter the same limitations.
According to Bruce Akey, a veterinarian at the New York Department of Agriculture, it is very difficult to catch elk, and when they are driven into a chute, they become very panicked, afraid to approach humans and attempt to escape, resulting in injury or trampling other deer. companion. This happens very often. The previous ID tag had to be close to the card reader, which encountered the above difficulties.
Using a long-distance RFID system, Bennett believes, “is a more benevolent method”
Similarly, because the system can also trace the movement of deer in various places and farms, the speed of the government’s control of CWD chronic diseases in the deer family is more timely.