ABC Hebei Branch independently developed an RFID system to solidify collateral storage

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With the gradual increase in the variety of credit business development and the continuous expansion of the scale, the requirements for collateral custody are also increasing. In order to further strengthen the management of the collateral custody link, the Hebei Branch of Agricultural Bank of China has continuously explored the standardization of the collateral custody management work, and actively developed the “collateral custody system”. In April 2013, the system was promoted in three pilot branches. Improved the degree of standardization and work efficiency of collateral storage.

The Hebei Branch of Agricultural Bank of China investigated the current status of collateral custody and supervision and inspection, and found that there are many shortcomings in the traditional manual collateral custody model. How to make the collateral safer and easier to manage becomes a system research and development key point.

Under the traditional custody mode, the entire process of collateral delivery and custody is completely manual. Because the quality of related personnel is uneven, it is inevitable that such phenomena as missed registration, mistaken registration, and out-of-warehousing errors of the collateral storage bag of the same name are inevitable. At the same time, warehouse managers and supervisory departments at all levels need to manually count the inventory of collateral storage bags in the warehouse during inventory verification or supervision and inspection. The inspection is difficult and frequent, which affects the efficiency and quality of supervision at all levels. If things go on like this, there will be greater risks and management blind spots.

The bank actively explored a new model of “civil air defense + machine control” collaborative storage, and independently developed a collateral storage system (applicable to the storage of ownership certificates). The system uses radio frequency identification (RFID) Combined with computer, database and network technology, paste it on the collateral voucher storage bagelectronic label, Realize the information management of mortgage voucher by reading and writing the label. The system has set up positions such as administrators, account managers, authorized approvers, special managers, handling tellers, and bankers, and grants different permissions to logged-in users, and realizes job restriction on the basis of ensuring smooth operation processing, which is effective Prevent operational risks in links such as collateral transmission and custody.

The collateral storage is safer. After the system is promoted, the collateral bag is sealed with a one-time label to prevent the risk of man-made damage during the circulation of the files; the collateral register is established in the system application database, which is set up in each operation link such as archiving, delivery, custody, and storage. For different users, follow-up registration and review prompts ensure that the entire operation process system remains traces. While ensuring the safety of the collateral, it has realized the electronic management of the collateral.

The collateral custody information is more accurate. The system uses electronic tag reading and writing to perform information identification and tracking management of collateral files, to ensure that the collateral system registration corresponds to the physical objects one-to-one, to ensure the consistency of the number posted with the accounting system, and to realize the accurate management of collateral files. In the system custody mode, you can quickly query the relevant information and custody procedures of the collateral files by entering different elements through the system as needed, and the information query is fast, synchronized, and comprehensive.

Collateral supervision is more efficient. The handheld counting machine specially developed for the system turns thousands of copies of collateral counting work from the heavy manual counting operation into the scanning operation of the handheld counting machine, which is fast and accurate, saves labor costs and improves work efficiency. The system query function realizes the physical verification of ABIS off-balance sheet accounting and the collateral storage system, reducing manual accounting verification between superiors under the centralized storage mode, saving time, and enhancing the accuracy and effectiveness of accounting verification.

Collateral management information sharing. The system sets up management end users in provincial and municipal branches, which facilitates the management bank to timely and comprehensively grasp the relevant data of collateral storage within its jurisdiction, shorten the management radius to a certain extent, and realize the sharing of operation and credit information at the same time.

The development and use of the collateral custody system not only regulates the collateral transfer and custody operation process, but also reduces the randomness and irregularity of the transfer and custody. While improving the security of collateral custody, it realizes the electronic collateral custody. Management has improved the quality of basic operations. In the next step, the Agricultural Bank of China Hebei Branch will continue to expand the scope of use of the system. It plans to complete the system’s formal promotion and operation across the province in May this year.



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