Access control recognition continues to build station safety protection system

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Facial recognition development advantages

According to statistics, in mainland China alone, annual sales are expected to exceed 10 billion in the next three years, and in the next ten years (2015), it is expected to form a market with annual sales of over 100 billion. The access control system is usually linked with the identification system. The double-festival holiday is coming, and passenger traffic will usher in the peak. The station access control identification system is an important step in creating station security.

  1. Facial recognition application

Facial recognition development advantages

At present, the face recognition market is still in the stage of market cultivation, and its development space is very broad, and it has received great attention in recent years.As an emergingBiometricsTechnology. Compared with iris recognition, fingerprint scanning, palm scanning and other technologies, face recognition technology has unique advantages in application:

Easy to use: Face recognition technology uses a general-purpose camera as a device for acquiring identification information. It is a completely non-contact way. The recognition process is completed without the recognition object, and the recognition object will not have psychological rejection emotions;

Outstanding intuitiveness: Human face is undoubtedly the most intuitive information source that can be distinguished by the naked eye, and the basis used by face recognition technology is the human facial image, which is convenient for manual confirmation and auditing, and “judging people by their appearance” conforms to the law of human cognition;

Not easy to counterfeit: Face recognition technology requires that the recognition object must be at the recognition site, and it is difficult for others to counterfeit. The unique active discrimination ability of face recognition technology ensures that others cannot deceive the recognition system with inactive photos, puppets, and wax figures. Fingerprints and other biometric identification technologies are difficult to achieve;

High recognition accuracy and fast speed: compared with otherBiometricsCompared with technology, the recognition accuracy of face recognition technology is at a higher level, and the false recognition rate and rejection rate are lower;

Use of universal equipment: The equipment used in face recognition technology is generally PC, video camera and other general equipment. Since computers and closed-circuit television monitoring systems have been widely used at present, for most users, face recognition technology is used There is no need to purchase a large amount of special equipment, which not only protects the user’s original investment but also greatly expands the system functions, but also improves the safety performance of the system and meets the user’s safety requirements;

Basic information is easy to obtain: The basis used in face recognition technology is face photos, and photos are undoubtedly the easiest to obtain. It is precisely because of the above-mentioned advantages that face recognition has developed rapidly in China in recent years. With the maturity of software technology, the improvement of hardware, and the decline of prices, face recognition technology will play an increasingly important role in various fields of finance, justice, customs, military and people’s daily lives.

Application of face recognition in stations and other fields

1. How to find specific targets among the crowds in ports or public places such as airports, stations, docks, hotels, shopping malls, etc. In the past, security departments and public security departments could only rely on manual control and squatting. In addition to consuming a lot of police force, this method often causes specific targets to slip through the net due to the negligence of the personnel involved;

2. After the criminal suspect is under control, he is unwilling to reveal his true identity, and he does not have any clues to prove his identity. Public security personnel often had to release him because he could not confirm his identity. There are also similar difficulties in the identification of victims;

3. In terms of entry and exit management, there are often controlled personnel who successfully escaped the supervision of relevant departments by using fake identity documents. The video-based real-time face recognition system, using video image comparison, has been able to better meet the needs of security and public security departments. The high-speed automatic recognition capabilities of the face recognition system can largely free the public security and security departments from the previous “human sea tactics”, greatly improving the security level of the entire country and society, thereby achieving deterrence of crimes. , The purpose of punishing criminals, maintaining social stability, and ensuring national security.

2. Station application of access control system

Networking and integration of the access control system is a direction of system construction. The access control system has been incorporated from an independent system, or a subsystem of the security system, into the integrated monitoring integrated platform system to achieve true system integration management. In terms of implementation, it has evolved from a simple hard-wired connection to a software interface at the computer level to integration at the hardware device level.

The station access control system is composed of a central level access control management system, a station level access control management system, field level access control equipment and system communication network, forming a two-level management and three-level control management mode in operation. The access control system is based on the station, and the ISCS system workstation in the station vehicle control room conducts unified monitoring and related linkage of the access control equipment in the station; the central access control management system is responsible for the configuration of equipment parameters, personnel authorization, and data storage for the entire line of access control systems. At the same time, It also has functions such as equipment status monitoring, alarm response, and report query.

Station-level system composition and realization functions

Station levelAccess controlThe system is mainly composed of ISCS station workstations and network switches. The station-level ISCS integrated monitoring application software is installed on the workstations. The station level does not set up a dedicated management workstation to run the ACS management workstation software, and the station-level functions of the access control system are implemented by the ISCS integrated monitoring application software.

The station-level ISCS integrated monitoring application software contains many system modules, including BAS, FAS, ACS, etc. The ACS access control system is one of the application modules, and the station-level ISCS workstation is connected to the ISCS LAN through the switch through the TCP/IP method, and the central-level ISCS server connect.

The field-level access control system is composed of an access control controller, interface modules and various terminal execution devices. The controller can manage up to 16 access control points (card reader interface modules). The card reader interface module is placed on site and is responsible for the function execution of the equipment (card reader, electromechanical integrated lock, exit button, door sensor) of a single access control point; this structure separates the executive function and the management function equipment, greatly reducing the controller usage amount.

The controller communicates with the card reader interface module through the RS485 serial bus. The interface module acts as a bridge between the access control terminal equipment and the controller, connecting the controller. The single-point failure of each interface module will not affect the normal operation of other access protection zones. The card reader interface module communicates with the card reader in Wiegand format; local devices such as door sensors provide dry contacts to the card reader interface module.

A TCP/IP port of the controller is connected to the access control server through the ISCS network to realize the connection between the access control server of the control center and the access control controller, and receive the operation parameter setting, authorization management and remote control of the access control server and management workstation of the control center. , Upload the event information of the access controller. The controller is connected to the ISCS management workstation through another TCP/IP port to realize the ISCS system’s real-time monitoring of the operation status of the access control equipment, alarm event processing, remote control and other functions.

stationAccess controlSystem characteristics analysis

The access controller opens the underlying communication protocol, and directly connects with the ISCS station-level management computer through the communication port, instead of communication based on the PC level. To achieve the maximum integration, the most flexible application, and to meet the offline working requirements of the access control system, this is impossible to achieve based on the integration of the PC level.

The access controller uses two communication routes to keep the ACS system and the ISCS system relatively independent. ACS is the management system of the access control equipment manufacturer, and the ISCS system is developed by the ISCS platform manufacturer according to the agreement provided by the access control equipment manufacturer. At the station level, special access control workstations are cancelled, and the operations of the access control system and other systems are concentrated in the ISCS workstation to facilitate operation and strengthen the connection between the systems.

In order to avoid multi-head management at the central and station levels, in addition to the necessary control functions, such as remote door opening in emergency situations, the station level is only responsible for daily operation functions such as equipment monitoring, alarm processing, and data query, while cardholder authorization and equipment operation Parameter equipment and other authority will not be delegated to the station ISCS, but will be implemented in the central ACS.

Access controlThe equipment, from the controller to the front-end electric control lock, adopts the products of one manufacturer. The electronics and hardware are unified into the ACS package. All the hardware equipment involved in the access control point, such as hinges, door closers, sequencers, etc., are provided by the ACS system, reducing the working interface, improving the interface efficiency, and facilitating system maintenance.


Station access control systems are widely used in the field of passenger transportation safety and protection, and they are becoming more and more popular. In the emerging field of information security applications, face recognition technology provides a safer, more reliable and easy-to-use identity authentication method, thereby improving the security performance of the entire network information system and effectively curbing various network illegal and criminal activities. The access control system and face recognition work together to ensure the smooth operation of the station security system.



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