"Connect by Hertz"Website realizes global car rental service ideas
Hertz is the world’s largest general-purpose car rental company. It recently launched the Connect by Hertz website, which is actually a car sharing club. This is the only car-sharing club in the world. It is provided by an international car rental company. Customers can enjoy car rental services from nearby parking lots plus cities such as London, New York, and Paris. This website is dedicated to providing flexible car sharing services, allowing users to experience high-quality services. Car rental locations can be nearby, downtown, or university locations. The Connect by Hertz website is planned to be launched in 2009. In addition, members can enjoy discounts in any city in the world where the Connect by Hertz website is opened. The time is early 2009.
The Connect by Hertz (www.connectbyhertz.com) website can enable users to become economically convenient and social car owners. After member registration, the self-service and payment system allows members to enjoy uninterrupted service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The car rental place has a good environment, and the location can be in your neighborhood or urban area. The cost of each trip is similar to that of a self-driving car. The membership fee for the Connect by Hertz website includes insurance, fuel, roadside assistance, vehicle maintenance and cleaning. Connect by Hertz members can enjoy a cashless travel plan. They can complete car rental booking, driving, and return services via the Internet or phone. All services are self-service.
Mark P. Frissora, Chairman and CEO of Hertz, said: “Hertz’s goal is to provide the public with a fully mobile solution. Car rental sharing is a reasonable step forward for the company. Combined with Hertz’s long-term development plan, Connect by Hertz It can support Hertz’s business diversity model. It can provide various customer groups with first-class transportation solutions to meet their needs. In addition to protecting the environment, Connect by Hertz provides car rental services for vehicle owners every year Save thousands of dollars. With the infrastructure established by Hertz, we are the world’s largest car rental company, and our members can become the world’s first car rental service that can enjoy member discounts all over the world. This is an ambition With the ambitious expansion plan, I believe that all elements of Connect by Hertz will become part of the success and profitability of Hertz.”
Connect by Hertz rental cars have strict selection criteria, such as manufacturing and/or maintenance quality, sustainable protection of the environment, safety performance and fun functional evaluation. In terms of environmental protection, each taxi can save 14 ordinary passenger cars for road traffic. In the United States, the Connect by Hertz rental fleet chose Toyota Prius from Toyota Motor Corporation. This car is characterized by high fuel efficiency and very low greenhouse gas emissions. In terms of reducing environmental impact, Prius is more dramatic than ordinary vehicles. Taking start-stop urban traffic as an example is very dramatic. Where hybrid vehicles are only allowed to use battery power, while Toyota Prius can drive as usual. In addition, all Connect by Hertz cars driving in the United States have passed EPA SmartWay certification, indicating that this car has a high environmental performance. The emissions of Connect by Hertz taxis in London and Paris are significantly lower than the maximum limit of 140 g/km CO2 set by the European Union.
Frissora continued: “We are living in a society that increasingly needs mobility. At the same time, current car users also express a strong desire for a new mode of transportation to emerge. This new mode should be economical or environmentally friendly. Connect by Hertz is an easy-to-use, paperless transportation mode that combines the latest technological achievements to deliver people where they want to go, and at the same time meets the ever-changing needs of society for transportation.”
Connect by Hertz adopts the latest and perfect communication methods to provide users with high-quality services. Members can register online, get receipts, and access driving records. When a user needs to book a rental vehicle, each member will receive an email to confirm and inform the license plate and location of the reserved vehicle. When unlocking and shifting the vehicle, members only need to wave their membership card in front of the vehicle’s RFID reader, the Connect card.
The automatic music playing device in the rental vehicle connects the members with the management staff of the member service center. If you have any questions, you need help or need to extend the rental time, you can get manual service. This in-vehicle technical service device can also realize the communication between Connect by Hertz managers and the rental vehicle, such as the need to lock, put in gear, or determine the location of the vehicle. This smart vehicle is also equipped with an iPod connection function, in the United States, there is no loss of in-car navigation system and EZ Pass tags.
When registering for the Connect by Hertz membership, the member will receive a Connect card with a smart chip, which allows the member to enter any reserved rental vehicle without using the car key. (Text/Zhuang Biaowei)