Dow Chemical RFID real-time monitoring of hazardous chemicals transportation
The Dow Chemical Company of the United States adopts an RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) system to monitor the status and location of hazardous chemicals transportation vehicles in real time. The system uses the EverSee2 transponder from Sarco Technologies, which includes a sensor, a two-way satellite communication modem and a GPS locator. The transponder sends information to a specific management platform, so that Dow can receive the latest location information of transportation vehicles and emergency alarm information in real time.
The Dow Chemical Company formulated a strategy in 2004. It plans to implement 50 hazardous chemical transportation tracking and monitoring projects within 10 years, including trucks, barges, rail cars, and various types of containers on board. Dow has a total of 26,000 rail cars in North America, of which 650 transport hazardous and toxic chemicals. These vehicles will be equipped with the new EverSee2 monitoring system before the end of this year.
Currently, the American Railroad Association requires that each freight rail car must be equipped with two passive 915 MHz or 2.45 GHz RFID tags for vehicle location tracking. Some railway stations are equipped with radio frequency readers, which can capture the identification number of passing vehicle tags, thereby providing data on the location of vehicles and goods. For most goods, this data is sufficient, but for hazardous chemicals, Dow has been seeking a real-time positioning system that covers the entire process. The newly adopted EverSee2 transponder can be set to “wake up” in a certain period of time and send a signal of “I am here”. The signal includes the longitude and latitude of the monitoring target and detailed information of the sensor such as the temperature in the car and whether it exists Leakage, etc.