A case of agricultural product quality traceability management system of Pengzhou Agricultural Development Bureau

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In order to improve the safety level of agricultural products, follow the overall deployment of the Ministry of Agriculture and the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine on accelerating the establishment of a traceability system for agricultural product quality and safety. Based on the principle of “flow direction and retail control access” and referring to the advantages of advanced domestic and foreign traceability systems, our institute has developed the “Pengzhou Agricultural Development Bureau Agricultural Product Quality Traceability Management System”. The system uses advanced technologies such as the Internet, RFID (radio frequency) and electronic traceability tags (chips) to effectively supervise the cultivation or feeding, processing, circulation, and sales of agricultural products.

  system structure

  This system adopts J2EE for development, multi-layer distributed processing architecture. All business logic is encapsulated in the webservice server. The webservice server can be deployed in combination with the web layer, or deployed on different servers to achieve distributed requirements. In the implementation of the system, using object-oriented technology, MVC design mode and JAVA technology, the whole system is logically divided into several parts such as the presentation layer platform, the intermediate application service platform and the business system platform, so as to improve the overall website system. Scalability, flexibility, and easy maintenance.

Overall structure diagram of agricultural product traceability system of Pengzhou Agricultural Development Bureau

  System Features

  The agricultural product quality and safety traceability system of Pengzhou Agricultural Development Bureau includes six parts: enterprise management system, enterprise-side information management system, agricultural product database, traceability information query system, early warning system, and statistical analysis. The purpose of multi-government departments such as food, medicine, industry and commerce to supervise food safety functions in sections, real-time traceability and verification of each link of the source of agricultural products, establish a new model of government food safety and efficient supervision in the information age, and improve the supervision efficiency of government supervision departments , Control the scope of food-borne disease hazards, supervise the production of high-quality and safe products by food companies, improve the quality and safety of agricultural products, promote the healthy and orderly development of our country’s agricultural product industry, and ultimately benefit all economic entities in the agricultural product supply chain.

1. Enterprise benefit

The establishment of this system enables companies to take timely product recall measures after the event, reducing corporate losses and the impact on corporate reputation; prompting companies to improve product quality, increase corporate brand value, and enable companies to win long-term benefits.

2. Consumers benefit

Provide consumers with relevant information about the whole process of product supply, increase transparency and facilitate selection; stimulate enterprises to produce safe and high-quality agricultural products, reduce the loss of potential quality and safety issues to consumers; quickly identify the responsible party after a problem occurs, and ensure consumer rights Be maintained.

3. Benefits to the industry and society

Using this system to clarify the source of the problem can restore consumer confidence, reduce the negative impact of security incidents on the sales of products in the industry, and protect the market share of products; reduce the legal public medical costs of security incidents and benefit the entire society.



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