Food company applies UHF RFID to pigs
T?nnies Livestock uses UHF RFID to track approximately 100,000 pigs from birth to slaughter. Identify their health and treatment during their life cycle, thereby providing farmers with a way to identify the health of each animal.
T?nnies Livestock has been experimenting with pig breeding and genetics company Topigs Norsvin since February 2016. This project will be piloted in February 2017. This organization integrates RFID technology into their fTrace system, which can capture and store data on slaughtered pigs and provide relevant data to customers.

T?nnies Livestock is a subsidiary of the T?nnies Group, which manages the supply of slaughterhouses according to customer specifications and needs. T?nnies Livestock cooperates with a variety of farms and producers, and monitors data and manages related breeding and finishing pigs. The T?nnies corporate group is responsible for developing new technologies to promote the production and sales of meat products.pig
The T?nnies business group has been using slaughter-hooks combined with rfid technology as part of its fTrace program since the late 1990s, and has improved data to determine when pigs are slaughtered. The data collected through fTrace is used to create a pig ID card and other information, which includes where the pig was, when and where it was slaughtered, when and where it was made into products and packaging.
The recently launched RFID pilot program focuses on collecting life data of pigs and sharing these data with breeding pig producers, pig farmers, slaughterhouses, and marketing personnel to assist the basic supply chain. For pig farmers, these data (such as the weight of the animal at birth) can help them understand the entire life cycle of the pig and improve the production or finishing process. And T?nnies Livestock and marketers can use this data to ensure the health of packaged pork before it is sold.
This RFID pilot includes UHF RFID ear tags, RFID handsets, and cloud data management software.