Wenzhou actively builds a food safety traceability system
The scholar Qian Zhongshu once said, if you eat an egg and feel good, why know the hen who laid the egg. But in the future, if you buy a bad egg on the market, you can trace the hen from which farm lay it based on the “ID” of the egg. The reporter learned from the Wenzhou agricultural department yesterday that this year Wenzhou will gradually implement an agricultural product traceability system. In the future, citizens who purchase livestock, poultry, vegetables, fruits and other agricultural products can be traced back to the producers of these agricultural products based on their “identity cards”. According to reports, vegetable agricultural products will take the lead in implementing the traceability system.
In order to ensure food safety from the source, in recent years, Wenzhou City has actively built a food safety traceability system, trying to realize the whole process of supervision from “farmland” to “dining table”. In order to control the source of “farmland”, our city has fully implemented field file management among large growers. Information such as fertilization and medicine, picking time, inspection and testing, distributors, etc. are all recorded in the book. With the help of smart electronic label technology, marketed vegetables will be given a traceability code that uniquely identifies the product, which is equivalent to the product’s “identity card”.
Zhang Wenming, director of the Science and Technology and Product Quality Division of the Wenzhou Municipal Agriculture Bureau, introduced that the product quality traceability system is to control the quality of agricultural products from the source. For the government, this is an effective means to strengthen supervision and help define the responsibility for quality safety accidents; For consumers, it can ensure that they have the right to know and realize their consumption. For enterprises, it can increase the awareness of strengthening internal quality management and improve market competitiveness.