RFID technology makes laundry control safer
The laundry industry has been exploring intelligent management and control information, gradually evolving from tag barcodes, two-dimensional codes, and RFID. Through the use of RFID technology, very high efficiency has been achieved in the management and control of mass laundry business links. At present, the commercial laundry industry has a large amount of laundry to be controlled, and it is imperative to establish an information collection platform. At present, RFID technology has been widely used in the collection, disinfection, industrial washing, sorting and distribution of clothing and textiles such as hotels, hospitals, and factory clothes. RFID can quickly complete the inventory and storage of laundry products. RFID technology helps realize intelligent management, greatly improves work efficiency and greatly reduces the error rate. RFID technology makes laundry control safer.
By sewing RFID electronic tags on clothes, relevant information is read every time the clothes go through a processing stage, so as to manage the entire process of uniforms and clothes passing through the laundry equipment. RFID reading and writing equipment must be placed in the receiving, sorting, washing, drying, ironing, folding, sorting, shipping and distribution places. These labels must be able to withstand the chemicals used in the cleaning process, as well as the high temperatures in the cleaning, drying, and ironing processes.
For medical institutions, on the one hand, the disinfection of ordinary dirty fabrics includes chemical disinfection and moist heat disinfection in the washing process, and dry heat disinfection in the drying process. Several rounds of chemical and physical disinfection can ensure the cleanliness of the fabric. degree. For heavily contaminated fabrics, even infectious fabrics, the disinfection method is more stringent. Both the amount of disinfectant and the temperature of washing and drying are strictly controlled to ensure the quality of disinfection. On the other hand, large-scale medical washing companies have achieved the greatest degree of mechanical automation to date from sorting, washing, disinfecting, drying, folding, and packaging of medical fabrics to avoid cross-infection caused by dirty fabrics and at the same time. People cause secondary pollution to clean fabrics.
How does RFID tag manage laundry? RFID tag manages the work flow of laundry:
1. Register clothing information: First, register the clothing information, such as serial number, name, type, department, owner, etc., in preparation for coding.
2. Print and fix the label: write the registered clothing information into the chip of the washing label, and print the relevant information on the label, and fix the label to the clothing;
3. Distribute clothes: The clothes have been bound with RFID tags, and the RFID readers or scanners are used for inventory, generate reports, and distribute the clothes to relevant personnel for use.
4. Sorting and storage of dirty clothes: After the clothes are dirty, they need to be washed, the clothes are collected, and the tags on the clothes are read through a fixed RFID reader or scanner, and the RFID management system will automatically record the storage Time, data, operator and other information, and automatically print out the warehouse voucher.
5. Sorting and delivery of clean clothes: After the clothes are washed and dried, they are sorted through RFID washing tags, and then delivered to the corresponding user department.
How RFID tags manage laundry and their advantages:
1. Automatically generate statistical reports: read through RFID reader or scanner, can automatically generate analysis reports, can also export data as required, and can scientifically manage laundry.
2. Historical record query: As long as the scan is performed, the system can automatically record the information of the RFID washing tag, which can be searched at any time.
At present, the manual collection and sorting process of dirty medical fabrics is more stringent and cumbersome, and there will be dust or aerosols that spread potentially infectious bacteria. This has a certain degree of impact on public hospitals (including outpatients and emergency departments). , Various departments, wards, etc.) The environment causes air pollution, occupational exposure and cross-infection risk of fabric collectors. RFID technology can realize non-contact collection of dirty fabrics, and automatic identification and collection can know which department, which ward, and which category the medical fabric comes from.
Based on RFID technology, automatic data collection is carried out on the data of each operation link of linen washing, handover, storage, automatic sorting, inventory counting, etc., and the collected data is uploaded to the back-end system in real time through RFID, and the real-time control of each link Status information, real-time statistics. Realize the visualization of the whole washing management process, and provide real-time data support for the scientific management of the enterprise. It realizes laundry automation, digitization, standardization and visualization. Let each piece of clothing have its own unique “ID card”-RFID electronic tags.