ISA boutiques use RFID technology to track inventory and analyze consumer behavior

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After studying the value brought by RFID technology, ISA boutiques in China deployed an RFID system in a chain store. This solution is provided by Convergence Systems Co., Ltd. (CSL), which allows stores to track high-end jewelry, know the items in the cabinet, how often items are taken out of the cabinet, and provide consumer behavior analysis.

ISA operates 7 boutiques in Hong Kong and Macau, mainly selling complex, leather goods, sunglasses, jewelry and watches. In 2012, ISA began to cooperate with POS software provider Alpha to deploy an RFID system for inventory management and consumer habits tracking. Alpha solution installed a 16-port CS468 RFID reader and 16 CS790 ultra-thin RFID antenna in each jewelry cabinet. The antenna is mounted on the jewelry tray.

ISA boutiques use RFID technology to track inventory and analyze consumer behavior

ISA boutiques replaced traditional price tags with EPC Gen 2 ultra-high frequency (UHF) RFID tags, and attached the tags to items using loop antennas. Jerry Garrett, managing director of CSL, said that this system uses RFID tags provided by multiple manufacturers, and ISA attaches these tags to rings, earrings, and pendants. Each label has a unique ID code and corresponds to the stock-keeping unit information (SKU) of the Alpha smart shelf software.

According to the company, the CS790 reader antenna can provide a tight reading space. When the object is lifted to the height of the antenna 12 feet (the reading range can be adjusted by increasing or decreasing the power setting) or moved 3 inches away, the rack antenna cannot detect the signal. In this way, the system judges that the item has left the shelf. For ISA, this function is very important, they can know the time spent by customers viewing items. The antenna is 6 mm thick and variable in length and width.

The store also installed a CSL CS203 reader at the checkout counter to record purchase gestures. In this way, you can update inventory information in real time and replenish inventory information in time.

Since each item tag is read by the shelf reader, their location is also recorded in the smart shelf software in real time. When the item is removed, the system will also automatically send it to the manager via email or message.

ISA boutiques use RFID technology to track inventory and analyze consumer behavior

In addition, the CS101 handheld that the store is usingReaderIt can also be used for inventory counting.

Garrett said that RFID technology has allowed ISA boutiques to reduce inventory and increase sales. He said: “The total cost of this RFID solution is less than $7,500.”

In addition, the use of RFID technology also allows the store to obtain a lot of valuable information. For example, if the jewelry is taken out frequently but the sales volume is low, then the price may be too high. If a piece of jewelry has never been seen, it may be displayed in the wrong position.

This summer, ISA intends to install the system in other retail stores in Hong Kong, and will also use the technology in watches, handbags, and clothes. In addition, the company also plans to use this technology in newly opened retail stores.

CSL will also provide similar solutions to jewelry stores in Asia, Europe, and the United States. Of course, CSL did not disclose the specific retail store name.

  (Exclusive manuscript of rfid world network, please indicate the source author for reprinting!)



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