OPEN Administrative Unit All-in-One Card Guilin Guigang Force Project

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Project implementation time: September 2006

Project follow-up status: 12 o’clock (3 in and 3 out of Guilin troops in the middle distance (0.5-1m) vehicle management and 4 arsenal access control, 1 in and 1 out of Guigang troops in the long distance (5-10 meters)
Vehicle management), 1 mid-range read head repair

Project features: software level 3 access, simplified Chinese, SQL database for all subsystems, 485 networking mode, 1 database for all subsystems

User profile: administrative unit

Use of the product:

Software: OPEN-SYS Chinese simplified network version software (including access control, parking management module + back-end), SQL database, large-scale office automation with super-scalability, one card/multi-information carrier, one One-card platform for library and one network.

Hardware: OPEN-AT standard access control machine, OPEN-MRAN access control reader, OPEN luxury vehicle management


1. Card issuing system: any workstation in the entire local area network can use a card issuer to issue cards.

2. Access control system: The access control realizes the combined management of authority and time, and realizes the encryption of the card number, and the security is not repeated; the reader and the host adopt encrypted communication for high security. Software multiple real-time monitoring; can realize the mixed use of card and fingerprint.

3. Vehicle management: first approve, then automatically release, and then process the entry and exit time records to achieve vehicle control and attendance; to prevent abnormal use of vehicles such as holidays.


Oupin Technology

Beijing Office: Zhu Fuyou

010-63622478 QQ:417139896 [email protected]



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