Deere Hitachi deploys RFID system to optimize work-in-process management
Recently, Deere-Hitachi Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. deployed AeroScout industrial WiFi radio frequency identification tags at the Kneresville plant to track the assembly process of excavators on the factory line. The solution is provided by Kubica (formerly Prime Technology), which can identify excavators passing through a specific area of the assembly line, thereby improving production efficiency and visualizing work in progress. The mobile service engine provided by Cisco can measure the location of each tag. As early as 2011, the company had launched a similar solution and put it into operation at the John Deere Planter Plant.
This excavator factory was established as a joint venture by John Deere and Hitachi in 1988, and produces Hitachi and Deere products at the same time. The cooperation agreement stipulates that the two companies will take turns to manage the company for three years.
Last year, the company and AeroScout had a conversation and planned to deploy a real-time location system (RTLS) solution to realize real-time visibility of the excavator assembly process and improve factory efficiency. AeroScout recommends Kubica to provide system integration and installation. Dennis Kubica, president of Kubica, said that Dier Hitachi, whose business is expanding, needs a system to track work-in-progress and improve efficiency.
Previously, Deere Hitachi staff needed to manually update related information such as the time consumed by each station of the product (such as: defects detected). However, manual updates are often inefficient and have a high error rate. Therefore, the company hopes to develop a real-time fully automated data collection program to free the hands of the staff.
According to the company, Kubica recommends the use of activeRFIDRecycling tags can reduce company costs while completing tasks.
Kubica’s solution includes a magnetic holder for battery-powered tags so that the tags can be temporarily installed on the bottom of the excavator. The company also installed 40 AeroScout batteries to drive EX-2000b on the assembly lineReader, Cisco WiFi node that improves location accuracy. At the same time, the Cisco Mobile Services Engine provided by Cisco can manage the collected data. The Cisco Mobile Services Engine will also forward the data to AeroScout MobileView software and integrate it into Deere-Hitachi’s internal management system through middleware. The solution was put into use at the end of 2013.
Assemble the input process, the staff put the excavator chassis on the transport vehicle. Then, another employee attached the AeroScout label to the site and scanned the QR code printed on the label to read the unique ID code. The ID code contains the serial number of the excavator. When the tag-attached excavator enters the next process, the reader will read the relevant information. Each reader can emit 125kHz low frequency signal. In this way, the MobileView software can update the location information of the excavator in real time based on this information.
When the assembly process of the excavator fails, the Wi-Fi node can continue to receive the tag information. At the same time, these nodes can also provide the approximate location of the excavator.
After the assembly is completed, the last inspection process staff is responsible for removing the tags on the excavator. In this way, the label can be reused.
After the plan is deployed, the company can know the real-time location information of the excavator.
In addition, when the production line fails or there is too much work in progress, the system can also alert the management. This information can help improve efficiency.