RFID used in industrial laundry

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The laundry industry has realized the benefits of applying RFID technology to mass laundry operations for many years. The commercial laundry industry handles thousands of clothes for a large number of customers every hour. It is estimated that more than 400 million work uniforms and other clothing are currently on rent in North America and Europe. 20% of workers wear rented uniforms, and this number is increasing by 15% every year. All these uniforms need to be cleaned, and all cleaned uniforms must be returned to the correct customers. Now enter the RFID link.

The beginning of RFID used in the laundry industry

When industrial laundry first started using RFID, the only suitable and only available was high-frequency (13.56MHz) RFID technology. The washer builds a platform. The RFID platform is a reading point, which consists of an RFID reader and a set of antennas. RFID tags are usually sewn on clothing. The label-stitched clothing will be read with relevant information every time it passes through a processing stage, so as to manage the entire process of uniforms and clothing passing through the laundry equipment. Normally, the reading point needs to be placed at the receiving, sorting, washing, drying, ironing, folding, sorting, shipping and distribution place. These labels must be able to withstand the chemicals used in the cleaning process, as well as the high temperatures in the cleaning, drying, and ironing processes. The life of these tags must be longer than the life of the clothing.


In December 2004, a new RFID standard passed the certification: EPC Gen 2. This new standard brought about changes in the functions and prices of RFID. Compared with high-frequency tags, Gen 2 RFID tags enjoy the advantages of low price and long reading distance, increasing from a few centimeters to a few meters (a few feet to a few yards). Most of the new laundry industry takes advantage of this latest development of RFID technology.

 Hotel laundry safety

  The hotel’s linens include hand towels, bed sheets, pillows and many other things. Some hotel guests take one or two of them home. There are also some hotel towel thieves who are more of an entertainment than a petty crime. On the other hand, the hotel seems to take this matter more seriously.

UHF RFID laundry tags can be sewn directly on towels, bathrobes or sheets, so that once an item is taken out of the hotel’s fortified area, a report message will be sent. When the RFID reader reads the tag on the item to be taken away, it will sound an alarm, usually silent, reminding employees that the hotel’s items must be carried away.

GAO RFID has all RFID technologies, including high frequency and ultra high frequency technology. We have a full range of fixed or mobile HF and UHF readers, as well as a wide variety of HF and UHF tags specifically suitable for industrial laundry. Our software solutions based on location software are effective for all RFID technologies. Whether you need to add tags or readers to an existing system, or build a new set of laundry management equipment, we can help.



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