Shanghai Baoxin Air Purification System Monitoring

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Shanghai Baoxin Air Purification System Monitoring is a project of monitoring equipment and ambient gas that our company cooperated. It is now in operation and the response is good. The following is a brief introduction to this project, and businesses with related needs can learn from it. The specific operation process will be adjusted according to the on-site environment.

Shanghai Baoxin Air Purification System Monitoring

Indoors, air quality is extremely important to human safety, and real-time monitoring of various parameters is very important. Due to the indoor environment, ventilation can only improve the air quality through the air conditioning purification system. The traditional air improvement is mainly through artificial window ventilation and exhaust fans. The effect is not very obvious, it takes a long time, requires low air quality, and it is impossible to determine whether the air quality is good or bad, and there is a huge life safety risk. The ever-increasing air quality makes our requirements for air quality become higher and higher, and become more and more concerned.

Shanghai Baoxin’s monitoring requirements for this air purification system are:

1. Real-time monitoring of the ultraviolet light intensity of the purifier’s ultraviolet lamp, if the ultraviolet lamp is not working properly or the light intensity is lower than a certain value, an alarm will appear to remind you to replace the lamp;

2. When the purifier is working normally, the working time of each time can be recorded and accumulated to achieve the monitoring of the service life of the lamp of the purifier. The working time can be reset manually after replacing the lamp;

3. Install a real-time air quality monitoring device at a specific location in the room where the purifier is installed to monitor the concentration of temperature, humidity, PM2.5, PM10, CO, CO2, formaldehyde, benzene, and TVOC, and send the data back to the company Headquarters, so that the company can monitor the operating status of the installed purifiers, control the operating status of the purifiers according to the monitoring results, and automatically control on or off.

According to specific needs and on-site environmental surveys, Xinli Technology has designed a corresponding plan:

Use wireless sensor network technology to build;

Choose smart temperature sensors, wireless measurement and control devices and other equipment to collect indoor temperature, humidity, PM2.5, PM10, CO, CO2, formaldehyde, benzene, TVOC concentration, light ultraviolet intensity, production equipment status and other parameters;

It is uploaded to the smart gateway wirelessly, and the gateway processes the data received from the wireless sensor node, converts it to TCP through the RS485 virtual serial port and provides data to the server, or connects to the HMI through RS485 for on-site data display and control Operation in order to control and alarm the operation status of the purifier;

The system structure is shown in the figure:

Shanghai Baoxin Air Purification System Monitoring

The core of air purification system monitoring has two points:

1. The monitoring center server is installed with configuration software or touch screen, after analyzing and processing the data from the smart gateway, the monitoring parameters of each monitoring point in the building are displayed intuitively.

2. The monitored data can be interacted with other management systems in real time, and the real-time data of the monitoring system can be released to all authorized points through WEB. Especially outdoor operation and maintenance personnel can also monitor any authorized access point in real time through a portable computer status.



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