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Artilux NMF, a Lithuanian-Swedish joint venture manufacturer of lamps and bulbs, is now using RFID technology to track the in and out of pallets of finished ...
Like other medical institutions, employees of Southern Ohio Medical Center (SOMC) have to spend a lot of time every week looking for medical equipment such ...
The active car-detecting sensors network system in San Francisco can know when the parking system is used to the maximum, determine whether it is ...
As a very large city, Shanghai uses a large number of steel cylinders loaded with dangerous goods. In recent years, leakage and explosion accidents of steel ...
At Magna Steyr, as many as 1,800 vehicles are loaded and unloaded every day. This is because approximately 200,000 vehicles are produced every year. In ...
Wegmans Food Markets, a $4 billion supermarket in New York State, plans to test a set of RFID drug tracking system in supermarket drug stores to determine ...
The IC card charging system and operation dispatching system of Wuhan public transportation were successfully installed and operated by our company in ...
PierPASS is a non-profit organization composed of 12 maritime terminal operators in Los Angeles and Long Beach Port. It aims to relieve traffic ...
The electronic label identification of liquefied gas cylinders refers to the electronic identification board that records the annual inspection ...
Hainan Tai Ling Biological Products Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Tai Ling Pharmaceutical Group, is responsible for the distribution and cold chain ...